Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hymn at the Blessing of the Chrism: Holy Thursday

The first two lines are sung as a refrain after each couplet. The first four couplets are sung, while the oils are brought in procession for consecration and the remainder after the oils, now blessed, are taken back.  

O Redemptor,  sume carmen temet concinentium.

Audi, Judex mortuorum, una spes mortalium
Audi voces proferentum donum pacis praevium.

Arbor foeta alma luce hoc sacrandum protulit,
Fert hoc prona praesens turba salvatori saeculi.

Stans ad aram imo supplex infulatus pontifex
debitum persolvit omne, consecrato Chrismate.

Consecrare tu dignare,rex perennis patriae,
Hoc olívum, sígnum vívum  iura contra daemonum.

Ut novetur sexus omnis unctione chrísmatis,
Ut sanetur sauciata dignitatis gloria.

Lota mente sacro fonte aufugantur crimina,
Uncta fronte sacrosancta influunt charismata.

Corde natus ex Parentis,  alvum implens vírginis,
Praesta lucem, claude mortem chrismatis consortibus.

Sit haec dies festa nobis saeculorum saeculis
Sit sacrata digna laude, nec senescat tempore.

O Redeemer, accept the hymn of those who sing to you. Hear, O Judge of the dead, one hope of mortal men, hear the prayers of those bringing the gift that leads the way to peace, the tree, fertile with nourishing light brought this oil to be consecrated, here now this humble company presents it to the Savior of the world. The bishop, arrayed in his vestments stands at the altar, humbly completed all the appointed prayers and the Chrism is consecrated. O King of our eternal fatherland, vouchsafe to bless this oil, this living sign against the authority of the demons, that man or woman be renewed through the anointing of this chrism, that the wounded glory of our dignity be healed. As when the soul is washed in the sacred font, sins are put to flight, so it is when the holy chrism flows upon the forehead. Son born of the Father, filling the womb of the Virgin, grant light and close the door to death for all who share this chrism. May this feast day be for us through all ages, may it be holy with worthy praise, and know no ending.

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