Sunday, August 12, 2018


Image result for images assumption of mary


Ad I  &  II  Vesperas: Petrus Damianus

Gáudium mundi, nova stella cæli,
prócreans solem, páriens paréntem,
da manum lapsis, fer opem cadúcis,
  virgo María.

Te Deo factam liquet esse scalam
qua tenens summa petit Altus ima;
nos ad excélsi remeáre cæli
  cúlmina dona.

Te beatórum chorus angelórum,
te prophetárum et apostolórum
ordo prælátam sibi cernit unam
  post Deitátem.

Laus sit excélsæ Tríadi perénnis,
quæ tibi, Virgo, tríbuit corónam,
atque regínam statuítque nostram
  próvida matrem. Amen.

Joy of the world, new star of heaven, giving birth to the sun, bearing the parent, give your hand to those slipping, help the fallen, O Virgin Mary. God made you to be the certain ladder, by which the Highest keeping its height could seek the lowest; grant that we may return to the summit of highest heaven.  The choir of Blessed angels, the order of prophets and apostles acknowledge you singularly favored before themselves, after God.  Everlasting praise to the Trinity on high, who granted you, O Virgin, a crown, and established you as our queen and watchful mother. Amen.

Ad Officium lectionis: Petrus Damianus

Auróra velut fúlgida,
ad cæli meat cúlmina
ut sol María spléndida,
tamquam luna pulchérrima.

Regína mundi hódie
thronum conscéndit glóriæ,
illum eníxa Fílium
qui est ante lucíferum.

Assúmpta super ángelos
omnésque choros cælitum,
cuncta sanctórum mérita
transcéndit una fémina.

Quem fóverat in grémio,
locárat in præsépio,
nunc regem super ómnia
Patris videt in glória.

Pro nobis, Virgo vírginum,
tuum depósce Fílium,
per quam nostra suscéperat,
ut sua nobis præbeat.

Sit laus Patri cum Fílio
et Spíritu Paráclito,
qui te præ cunctis cælica
exornavérunt glória. Amen.

As the glittering dawn Mary arises to the height of heaven, sparkling like the sun, most beautiful like the moon.  Today the Queen of the world ascends to her throne of glory, she who gave birth to that Son, who was before the daystar. This one women is taken above the angels and over all the heavenly hosts; she surpasses the merits of all of the saints. Him, whom she has cherished at her bosom, she puts in a manger; now she sees him King over all in the glory of the Father. O Virgin of virgins, pray to your Son for us, through you he received what is ours that he might give to us what is his.  Praise to the Father with the Son and Comforter Spirit, who before all adorned you with heavenly glory. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: Victorius Genovesi

Solis, o Virgo, rádiis amícta,
bis caput senis redimíta stellis,
luna cui præbet pédibus scabéllum,
  ínclita fulges.

Mortis, inférni domitríxque culpæ,
ássides Christo studiósa nostri,
teque regínam célebrat poténtem
  terra polúsque.

Asseclas diæ fídei tuére;
díssitos adduc ad ovíle sacrum;
quas diu gentes tegit umbra mortis
  úndique coge.

Sóntibus mitis véniam precáre,
ádiuva flentes, ínopes et ægros,
spes mica cunctis per acúta vitæ
  certa salútis.

Laus sit excélsæ Tríadi perénnis,
quæ tibi, Virgo, tríbuit corónam,
atque regínam statuítque nostram
  próvida matrem. Amen.

O Virgin, clothed with the radiant sun, her head garlanded with twice six stars, the moon serving her as a footstool, you gloriously shine.  Ruling over death and guilty hell, anxious for our good you are enthroned next to Christ, earth and heaven celebrate you as their mighty queen.  Watch over your children by godly faith, bring back the scattered  to the holy fold; gather from all the nations those so long covered by the shadow of death. With gentle prayers implore pardon for the guilty, help those who weep,  the needy and the sick, shine on all in the difficulties of life the sure hope of salvation. Everlasting praise to the Trinity on high, who granted you, O Virgin, a crown, and established you as our queen and watchful mother. Amen.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


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Ad Laudes matutinas: Prudentius

To give Prudentius credit for this hymn is no great favor to such an accomplished, learned and skillful poet. This hymn is pieced together from various lines from Prudentius’ Peristephanon II with, one suspects, some tinkering from Dom Anselmo’s team. The result is a very obscure and difficult to translate hymn. However, Walpole’s suggestion (noted on a somewhat different centoization)  is helpful: The first two lines are explained by the preceding passage of the original, the sense of which is: the one glory formerly lacking to Rome, now given up to Christ, was the final subjugation of foul Jove, not by the turbulent might of Crossus, Camillus, or Caesar, but by the not bloodless strife of the martyr Lawrence”  (Early Latin Hymns p. 138).  Would that this notion were more clearly expressed in the office hymn.

In mártyris Lauréntii
non incruénto prœlio,
armáta pugnávit Fides
próprii cruóris pródiga.

Hic primus e septem viris
qui stant ad aram próximi,
levíta sublímis gradu
et céteris præstántior.

Hic dímicans fortíssimus
non ense præcínxit latus,
hostíle sed ferrum retro
torquens in auctórem tulit.

Sic, sancte Laurénti, tuam
nos passiónem quærimus;
quod quisque supplex póstulat,
fert impetrátum próspere,

Dum cæli inenarrábili
alléctus urbi múniceps,
ætérnæ in arce cúriæ
gestas corónam cívicam.

Honor Patri cum Fílio
et Spíritu Paráclito,
qui nos tuis suffrágiis
ditent perénni láurea. Amen.

In the not bloodless strife of the martyr Laurence, armed with faith he fought, his own blood prodigally shed.  He was the first of seven men, standing next to the altar, a lofty deacon by rank, surpassing all the others. This most courageous fighter girded no sword at his side, but taking the enemy’s sword in  his back, bore the torture with calm authority.  Thus, O holy Laurence, we seek a passion like yours; may, what each humble soul asks of you, succeed and prosper.  Chosen a fellow-citizen of the city of ineffable heaven,  in height of the eternal court you wear a civic crown. Honor to the Father with the Son and Spirit Paraclete, who by your prayers, O Laurence, enriches us with eternal laurels.  Amen.

Ad Officium lectionis & Vesperas: Petrus Damianus

The Second hymn is much better, but not because St. Peter Damian is a better poet, but because it is not a mix and match of later poets.

Mártyris Christi cólimus triúmphum,
dona qui mundi peritúra spernit,
fert opem nudis, aliménta, nummos
  tradit egénis.

Igne torquétur, stábili tenóre
cordis accénsus súperat mináces
ígnium flammas in amóre vitæ
  semper opímæ.

Spíritum sumpsit chorus angelórum,
íntulit cælo bene laureándum,
ut scelus laxet hóminum, precándo

Súpplici voto rogitámus ergo
ómnibus, martyr, véniam precéris,
cordis ardóres, fídei tenácem
  usque vigórem.

Glóriam Patri resonémus omnes,
eius et Nato modulémur apte,
cum quibus regnat simul et creátor
  Spíritus almus. Amen.

We celebrate the triumph of a martyr of Christ, who spurned the passing gifts of the world, brought help to the naked, handed over to the needy food and money.  Tortured by fire, he stood strong, his heart enkindled, overcoming the menacing flames of fire, for the sake of his love of abundant life. The choir of angels receives his spirit, he wears well the victory laurels rightly given by heaven to loosen the sins of men by praying to God almighty. Therefore, O martyr, we humbly ask that you pray pardon for all, for fervent hearts, tenacious faith, and strength. Let us all resound glory to the Father and sing rightly of his Son, with whom the Spirit Creator rules. Amen.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Collect for Memorial of St. Dominic

I guess I am always griping but really the Latin collect for St. Dominic is very poorly translated even in the more recent

Adiuvet Ecclésiam tuam, Dómine, beátus Domínicus méritis et doctrínis, 
atque pro nobis efficiátur piíssimus intervéntor, qui tuæ veritátis éxstitit
prædicátor exímius. Per Dóminum.

O Lord, may blessed Dominic help your Church by his merits and teaching
and may he who was an excellent preacher of the truth also be a most merciful
intercessor for us.

This exactly why I pray the Office in Latin

The point being of course that St. Dominic was a great preacher but that is not really what we need from him now; what we need now  is his prayers.