Saturday, December 7, 2019

Correction: missing 4th stanza of hymn for Lauds: Immaculate Conception

At Lauds:  15th Century ?

In plausu grati cárminis
adsit nova lætítia,
dum Dei matris Vírginis
sumit vita princípia.

María, mundi glória,
lucis ætérnæ fília,
te præservávit Fílius
ab omni labe pénitus.

Originális mácula
cuncta respérsit sæcula;
sola post Natum vítiis
numquam contácta díceris.

Caput serpéntis cállidi
tuo pede contéritur;
fastus gigántis pérfidi
David funda devíncitur.

Colúmba mitis, húmilis,
fers, carens felle críminis,
signum Dei cleméntiæ,
ramum viréntis grátiæ.

Patri sit et Paráclito
tuóque Nato glória,
qui sanctitátis únicæ
te munerárunt grátia. Amen.

There is a new joy in striking up a song of thanks, when the Virgin Mother of God first begins her life. Mary, the glory of the world, the daughter of eternal light, your Son completely preserved you within from any fall.  The original stain has fallen on every generation; Only you with your Son are said to have never contracted sin. The head of the crafty snake is crushed under foot; with his sling, David conquered the pride of the pride of the perfidious giant. Gentle and humble dove, lacking the bitterness of sin, a sign of God’s mercy, bearing the branch of flourishing grace.  Glory to the Father and to the Paraclete and to your Son, who granted you the grace of a singular holiness. Amen.

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