Saturday, June 20, 2020

St. Thomas Aquinas: Commentary on St. Matthew: 10: 26 (12th Sunday, Year A)

. . . have no fear of them... Here he exhorts them not to give in to tribulations. First, he strengthens them; secondly, he mentions a comparison; thirdly, he applies it to his purpose. He says, therefore, "they will persecute you," but have no fear, because you should fear evil only; but it is a great good to bear what the Lord has borne. Hence Paul to the Galatians (6:17): "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus." Nothing is covered that will not be revealed. This can be referred to the preceding or to what follows. To the preceding thus: they will call you Beelzebub; but you should not worry, because in the end their malice will be revealed. Therefore, have no fear, because nothing is covered that will not be revealed, as it says in 1 Corinthians (4:5): "Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord comes, who will reveal the hidden things of darkness and will manifest the counsels of hearts." And hidden, which differs from covered. For the hidden is something not manifest, as what one has in his heart, according to what was said above (9:4): "Why do you think evil in your hearts?" Something covered, however, is that which, although manifest, is concealed by something else. Or it can be explained thus: have not fear, because if your truth is not evident at once, it will be clear later.

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