Thursday, August 1, 2024

The 6th or 7th Century. Attributed to St. Gregory the Great

 The 6th or 7th Century. Attributed to St. Gregory the Great. 

  1. Nox atra rerum contegit
    Terræ colores omnium:
    Nos confitentes poscimus
    Te, juste judex cordium:
  2. Ut auferas piacula,
    Sordesque mentis abluas:
    Donesque Christe gratiam,
    Ut arceantur crimina.
  3. Mens ecce torpet impia,
    Quam culpa mordet noxia;
    Obscura gestit tollere,
    Et te Redemptor quærere.
  4. Repelle tu caliginem
    Intrinsecus quam maxime,
    Ut in beato gaudeat
    Se collocari lumine.
  5. Præsta, Pater piissime,
    Patrique compar Unice,
    Cum Spiritu Parælito
    Regnans per omne sæculum.
  1. The dusky veil of night hath laid
    The varied hues of earth in shade;
    Before Thee, righteous Judge of all,
    We contrite in confession fall.
  2. Take far away our load of sin,
    Our soiled minds make clean within:
    Thy sov’reign grace, O Christ, impart,
    From all offence to guard our heart.
  3. For lo! our mind is dull and cold,
    Envenomed by sin’s baneful hold:
    Fain would it now the darkness flee,
    And seek, Redeemer, unto Thee.
  4. Far from it drive the shades of night,
    Its inmost darkness put to flight;
    Till in the daylight of the Blest
    It joys to find itself at rest.
  5. Almighty Father, hear our cry,
    Through Jesus Christ, our Lord most High,
    Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
    Doth live and reign eternally.

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