Wednesday, September 25, 2024

From The Soul's Love-Book attributed to our brother, Henry Suso.


This Votive Office contains many elements from the medieval Dominican offices dedicated to aspects of our Lord’s Passion. It is usually celebrated on May 4, but may be used at other times.


From The Soul's Love-Book attributed to our brother, Henry Suso.

To follow the Passion of Christ.


O Eternal Wisdom, you are the reflection of the glory and the expression of the Father' s being, who created all things out of nothing. You descended to this miserable earth to lead the human race back to the joys of Paradise by your own gracious example. As a meek lamb you offered yourself to the Father as an expiation for the sins of all. By your precious blood open my heart that I may behold you, King of kings and Lord of lords, with the eyes of faith.


O heavenly strength and constancy of my soul, most sweet Jesus Christ, when you were cruelly led to the house of Annas, you were questioned about your teaching by him and the Jewish leaders who were sitting around the fire. You meekly answered and were repaid by a savage blow to the head. O reflection of the eternal light and spotless mirror, they blindfolded your clear eyes, soiled your adorable face with spittle, and struck your blameless head with repeated blows.


O superabundant salvation of the world, most sweet Jesus Christ, after you had endured a night of unspeakable cruelty in the house of Annas. thereby bearing witness to and manifesting your charity to the world, you were led like a thief to the house of Caiphas. When you stood so humbly before the judge, you were falsely accused. Although you were Son of God. with harsh voices they cried out that you were guilty of death.


O only sovereign and origin of all that is, Lord of all the hosts of angels. most sweet Jesus Christ, your arms were cruelly stretched, you were 'bound naked to the hard pillar and violently scourged with whips, you were clothed in purple, crowned with thorns, mocked and struck in the face, with your face covered with blood, your head crowned with thorns, and wearing the purple cloak, you were led before the crowd. A sentence of' death was pronounced upon you, the author of life, by a mortal judge.


But I know one thing and I hold this one thing to be true: you suffered all this to draw me to your love; you who are the supreme good submitted to savage blows for love of me.


Now, my soul, behold his adorable face which he has made red with drops of blood. In him you possess the fullness of all grace. Behold his pierced head with cruel thorns from which fountains of blood flow.


O my king, now grant your servant to enter into your passion, to bear evils, to be crucified with you and to be reborn with you unto eternal life, Amen.

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