Wednesday, December 2, 2020

St. Francis Xavier


St. Francis Xavier

Deus, qui beáti Francísci prædicatióne multos tibi pópulos acquisísti, da ut fidélium ánimi eódem fídei zelo férveant et ubérrima ubíque prole Ecclésia sancta lætétur.

O God, who by the preaching  of blessed Francis acquired many peoples for yourself, grant that the souls of  the faithful may be  fervent with the same zeal of faith and holy Church might rejoice everywhere in an abundance of offspring.


Common of Pastors: for a bishop


Common of Pastors: for a priest


Lauds: Orderic Vitalis (1075 – c.1142)


As Oderic Vitalis noted, history should be sung like a hymn in honor of the creator God

Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past, Janet Coleman


Inclitus rector pater atque prudens,

cuius insígnem cólimus triúmphum,

iste conféssor sine fine lætus

  regnat in astris.


Qui sacerdótis, ducis ac magístri

munus insúmpsit pópulis sacrátum,

præsul et vitæ sápiens parávit

  dona beátæ.


Nunc eum nisu rogitémus omnes,

ábluat nostrum pius ut reátum,

et sua ducat prece nos ad alta

  cúlmina cæli.



Sit Deo soli decus et potéstas,

laus in excélsis, honor ac perénnis,

qui suis totum móderans gubérnat

  légibus orbem. Amen.


Great ruler and wise father, whose distinguished triumph we celebrate, this confessor rejoicing without end rules among the stars. Who for the people received the sacred office of priest, ruler, and teacher: a wise prelate who manifested the gifts of a blessed life. Now with all our strength let us all ask him that in his holiness to absolve our guilt and by his prayer lead us to the heights of heaven. Dignity and power to God alone and eternal praise and honor in the highest, who directs and governs the whole world by his laws. Amen


Inclitus rector pater atque prudens,

cuius insígnem cólimus triúmphum,

iste conféssor sine fine lætus

regnat in astris.


Ipse dux clarus fuit et magíster,

éxhibens sacræ documénta vitæ

ac Deo semper sátagens placére

péctore mundo.


Nunc eum nisu rogitémus omnes,

ábluat nostrum pius ut reátum,

et sua ducat prece nos ad alta

cúlmina cæli.


Sit Deo soli decus et potéstas,

laus in excélsis, honor ac perénnis,

qui suis totum móderans gubérnat

légibus orbem. Amen.


Great ruler and wise father, whose distinguished triumph we celebrate, this confessor rejoicing without end rules among the stars. He was a glorious leader and teacher, revealing evidence of a holy life, and striving ever to please God with a clean heart.  Now with all our strength let us all ask him in his holiness to absolve our guilt and by his prayer lead us to the heights of heaven. Dignity and power to God alone and eternal praise and honor in the highest, who directs and governs the whole world by his laws. Amen


Office of Readings 15th Century


Christe, pastórum caput atque princeps,

géstiens huius celebráre festum,

débitas sacro pia turba psallit

  cármine laudes,


Strénuum bello púgilem supérni

chrísmatis pleno tuus unxit intus

Spíritus dono, posuítque sanctam

  páscere gentem.


Hic gregis ductor fuit atque forma,

lux erat cæco, mísero levámen,

próvidus cunctis pater omnibúsque

  ómnia factus.


Christe, qui sanctis méritam corónam

reddis in cælis, dócili magístrum

fac sequi vita, similíque tandem

  fine potíri.



Æqua laus summum célebret Paréntem

teque, Salvátor, pie rex, per ævum;

Spíritus Sancti résonet per omnem

  glória mundum. Amen.


O Christ, Head and Prince of pastors, eager to celebrate the feast of this pastor, the holy band sings due praise with a holy hymn.  Your bishop was anointed within by the gift of the Spirit’s grace from above as a strong fighter in the harsh battle and appointed to feed your holy people. He was the leader of the flock and example for it, a light to the blind, relief to the wretched, a watchful father in all things and doing all things for all his people. O Christ, who rewards the saints in heaven with a merited crown, make us follow this teacher in an obedient life and at last reach the same end. May equal praise celebrate the highest Father and thee, O Savior, though the age; May the glory of the Holy Spirit resound throughout the whole world. Amen.


Hunc tibi eléctum fáciens minístrum

ac sacerdótem sócians, dedísti

dux ut astáret pópulo fidélis

ac bonus altor.


Making for yourself a chosen minister, sharing in the priesthood, you made him a faithful leader and good provider to stand with the people.


Vespers New: Dom Anselmo?


Vir celse, forma fúlgida

virtútis, hymnum súscipe,

qui iure dum te prædicat,

Dei canit magnália.



Qui sempitérnus Póntifex

stirpem Deo mortálium

revínxit, atque réddidit

paci novo nos fœdere,


Te fecit ipse próvidus

sui minístrum múneris,

Patri datúrum glóriam

eiúsque vitam plébibus.



Virtúte factus dítior

te consecrántis Spíritus,

præsul, salútis pínguia

tu tradidísti pábula.



Regális huius cúlminis

adéptus altitúdinem,

verbo fuísti et móribus

doctor, sacérdos, hóstia.



Locátus in cæléstibus,

sanctæ meménto Ecclésiæ,

oves ut omnes páscua

Christi petant felícia.



Sit Trinitáti glória,

quæ sancti honóris múnia

tibi minístro sédulo

dignis corónat gáudiis. Amen.


Noble man, shining example of virtue, receive the hymn, which while it rightly proclaims you sings the wonders of God. The eternal Pontiff united the race of men with God and gave us the new covenant of peace.  Providently he made you a minister of his gift, that glory be given to the Father and life to his People. The Spirit of consecration made you richer in virtue, O Prelate, and so you handed over to the people the abundant food of salvation. Now in heaven, remember the holy Church that all the sheep may seek the happy pastures of Christ. Glory to the Trinity, who gave to you, a faithful minister, the gift of the honor of a saint and crowned you with deserved joys. Amen.


Regális huius cúlminis

adéptus altitúdinem,

verbo fuísti et móribus

doctor, sacérdos, hóstia.



Having reached the height of this royal summit, you were in word and deeds, teacher, priest, sacrifice.



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