Sunday, January 1, 2017


Ad Laudes matutinas: novus

Relúcens inter príncipes
imménsæ Dei cúriæ,
Bartholomæe, láudibus
nostrísque inténde précibus.

In te convértit Dóminus
dilectiónis óculos,
quem pura insígnem cónspicit
sinceritáte péctoris.

Prophétæ quem cecínerant,
quem longa clamant témpora,
Messías en mirífice
tibi lætánti próditur.

Teque sibi conglútinat
sequélæ talis fœdere,
qua petat crucis áspera,
cæli sedes retríbuat.

Christi, qui sæclis ímperat,
amícus et apóstolus,
Magístro vivis, hómines
Magístri vita réfoves.

Sit ipsi laus et glória,
qui, te iuvánte méritis,
ætérnis nos in pátria
frui concédat gáudiis. Amen.

Resplendent among the princes in the eternal court of God, O Bartholomew, attend to our praises and prayers. The Lord turned his eyes upon you, in whom he saw a notable purity and sincerity of heart. He, whom the prophets foretold, the one desired for so long, behold him, the Messiah marvelously revealed himself to you.  He bound you to himself  by such a covenant that you followed him, even when he sought the harshness of the cross and gave thrones in heaven. Friend and Apostle to Christ, who rules the ages, by the Master you lived, by your life restore men to the Master. Praise and glory be to him, who by the help of your merits grants us to enjoy eternal happiness in our fatherland. Amen.

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