Monday, January 2, 2017


Ad Laudes matutinas & ad vesperas: Petrus Damianus

Anglórum iam apóstolus,
nunc angelórum sócius,
ut tunc, Gregóri, géntibus,
succúrre iam credéntibus.

Tu largas opum cópias
omnémque mundi glóriam
spernis, ut inops ínopem
Iesum sequáris príncipem.

Te celsus Christus póntifex
suæ præfert Ecclésiæ;
sic Petri gradum pércipis,
cuius et normam séqueris.

Scriptúræ sacræ mýstica
mire solvis ænígmata,
excélsaque mystéria
te docet ipsa Véritas.

O póntifex egrégie,
lux et decus Ecclésiæ,
non sinas in perículis
quos tot mandátis ínstruis.

Sit Patri laus ingénito,
sit decus Unigénito,
sit utriúsque párili
maiéstas summa Flámini. Amen.

Once the Apostle to the English, now the companion of the angels, as you did then, now come to help the nations of believers. You spurned abundant riches and all the glory of the world, that poor you might follow the Lord Jesus who was poor. You the heavenly Christ selected as Pontiff over his Church;  so you walked the way of Peter and followed his example. You wondrously unraveled the spiritual enigmas of holy Scripture and taught the great mysteries of the Truth. O great Pontiff, light and honor of the Church,  do not leave in danger those whom you have instructed so well in the commandments.  Praise to the Unbegotten Father,  honor to Only-begotten Son, and equal to both, majesty to the most high Spirit. Amen.

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