Monday, April 10, 2017

Hispano-Mozarabic Hymn Paschal Vespers I

  Te centies mille legionum Angeli
Concentu plaudunt, et canora jubilant,
Christe Jesu Alpha et Omega omnipotens,
Sepultus olim, et vivens in saecula,
Testis fidelis, et verum principium.

   Qui mundi hujus dejecisti principem,
Redimens Orbem tuo almo Sanguine;
Sanctus et verus Genitus Ingeniti,
Reserans clausum, et apertum obstruens,
Faciens nos Deo Regni Sacerdotium.

   Tu verus Agnus solus sine macula,
Qui dextram Patris conlocatus solio,
Solus egressus ab arce Dominica,
Similis Jaspidi, et Sardino lapidi,
Iris per gyrum, smaragdus circuis.

   Tu Dei pignus, hominisque Filius,
Septies librum signatum signaculis
Solvere signa dignus repertus es:
Agnus occisus septem pollens cornibus,
Septeno fulgens et lumine flammeo.

   E throno prodeunt fulgura, et tonitrua,
Septem ardentes ante thronum lampades,
Septem ubique missi Dei Spiritus,
Septem stellae micant Agni dextera,
Septem cui adstant candelabra aurea.

  Sedentes circum quater seni Primates,
Amicti cuncti niveis cycladibus,
Et laureati diademis aureis,
Aureas vehunt phialas aromatum,
Aureis psallunt modulis, et citharis.

   Stant ante Thronum nitet mare vitreum,
Bis bini fortes, idem animalia:
Homo per genus, leo voce perstrepit
Juvencus ore promit Sacerdotium,
Petens ad astra more volans aquilae.

   Quatuor formis senis alis singulis,
Ante et retro cuncta plena oculis,
Vigiles semper dormiendi nescii,
Vicissim Sanctus ter clamantes jugiter,
Illi, qui erat, est, et qui venturus est.

   Gloria Patri, laus, sapientia
Agno sedenti supra Thronum in coelis;
Cum Patre regnat, et cum Sancto Spiritu,
Connexa simul tribus una Deitas,
Per infinita saeculorum saecula.

Hundreds of  thousands of legions of angels praise and rejoice to sing to you, Christ Jesus, Alpha and Omega, Almighty, once buried and now living forever, faithful witness and sure foundation. You, who did cast out the prince of this world, redeeming the world by your loving blood; the true begotten Son of the Unbegotten, opening what is closed and closing what is open, making us for God a kingdom of priests. You, the true, only  Lamb without spot,  placed on the right hand of the Father’s throne, You alone came forth from the height of the Lord, like Jasper and Carnelian stone, encircled by a rainbow, surrounded with emeralds.  You, the pledge of God and Son of Man, you were found worthy to open the seven seals of the closed book, the powerful Lamb who was slain, with seven horns, shining with the light of seven flames.  From your throne comes forth lightning and thunder, before the throne seven burning lamps, seven spirits sent from God, seven stars sparkle at the right hand of the Lamb, before which stand seven golden candlesticks. Seated around are the twenty-four elders, all clothed in garments white as snow, and crowned with golden diadems, they carry phials of perfume, accompanied by a lute they sing golden melodies. Before the throne stands a sea of glass, and four strong creatures: one like a man, another roared with a lion’s voice, the calf promises the mouth of the priesthood, one flying like an eagle sought the stars. Four beings each with six pairs of wings, full of eyes before and behind,  ever watchful and never sleeping, forever crying in turn  “Holy” thrice, to him who was and is and is to come. Glory to the Father, praise and wisdom to the Lamb who sits in the heavens on the throne and reigns with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, God,  who is one and triune for ever and ever. Amen.

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