Monday, April 10, 2017

Hispano-Mozarabic Hymn Paschal Vespers II: Prudentius

Hispano-Mozarabic Hymn Paschal Vespers II: Prudentius

   Psallat altitudo cœli,
Psallant omnes Angeli,
Quicquid est virtutis usquam
Psallat in laudem Dei:
Nulla linguarum silescat
Vox; sed omnis consonet.

   Da puer plectrum, choreis
Ut canam fidelibus
Dulce carmen, et melodum,
Gesta Christi insignia,
Hunc camœna nostra solum
Pangat, hunc laudet lyra.

   Christus est, quem rex sacerdos
Adfuturum protinus
Infulatus concinebat
Voce, chorda, et tympano,
Spiritum cœlo fluentem
Per medullas hauriens.

   Facta nos, et jam probata
Pangimus miracula.
Testis est orbis; nec ipsa
Terra quod vidit, negat;
Cominus Deum docendis
Proditum mortalibus.

   Corde natus ex Parentis
Ante mundi exordium,
Alpha, et W cognominatus;
Ipse fons, et clausula
Omnium, quae sunt, fuerunt
Quaeque post futura sunt.

   Ipse jussit, et creata:
Dixit ipse, et facta sunt:
Terra, cœlum, fossa ponti,
Trina rerum machina,
Quaeque in his vigent sub alto
Solis, et lunae globo;

   Corporis formam caduci,
Membra morti obnoxia
Induit, ne gens periret
Primo plusti ex germine,
Merserat quem lex profundo
Noxialis tartaro.

   O beatus ortus ille,
Virgo cum Puerpera
Edidit nostram salutem,
Fœta Sancto Spiritu;
Et puer Redemptor orbis
Os sacratum protulit.

   Gloria et honor Deo
Usquequaque altissimo,
Una Patri, Filioque,
Inclyto Paraclito;
Cui laus, et potestas
Per aeterna saecula.

May the height of heaven praise, all you angels praise, whatever has strength sing in praise of God: let no sound of tongues be silent but all give their consent. Give ,boy,  the  plectrum that the faithful may sing a song, a sweet hymn and melody of the great deeds of Christ,  this may our verses tell, this may the lyre praise.  Christ it is, whose coming  the king-priest in his vestments sang with voice, string and drum, drinking in through the marrow the Spirit flowing from heaven. Of miracles done and proved we tell; the world is witness; the world does not deny what it has seen; God revealed to teach mortal men close at hand.  Born from the heart of the Father before the beginning of the world, named Alpha and Omega, he himself the source and end of all, which is, has been and will be. He commanded and they were created, he spoke and they were made, earth, heaven depths of the sea, the threefold fabric of things, whatever thrives in them, under the lofty globes of sun and moon.  He clothed himself in the form of a weak body, vulnerable to death so that the race springing up from the first seed not perish by the law of sin,  which plunged him deep into hell. O that blessed birth, when a virgin gave birth to our salvation,  conceived by the Holy Spirit, , and the child, the world’s Redeemer,  revealed his sacred face. Glory and honor to God, to the most high, One, Father, Son, glorious Paraclete, to whom be  praise and power through the eternal ages. Amen.

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