Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Ad Laudes matutinas & ad Vesperas: novus

Magnæ cohórtis príncipem
Ignátium laus cóncinat,
clarum loquélis, áctibus
ducem ciéntem mílites.

Regi suprémo cælitum
amóre vinctus único,
eius fovénda glória
nil cénsuit iucúndius.

Hinc se suósque dévovet,
urgéntis instar ágminis,
ut iura Christi víndicet,
erróris umbras díssipet.

Sancto monénte Spíritu,
certam salútis sémitam
scrutátor altus sæculis
doctórque prudens dénotat.

Suis alúmnis díssita
missis in orbis lítora,
Ecclésiam quot éxpetit
frondére lætam géntibus!

Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ nos det huius mílitis
exémpla fortes pérsequi
in Christi honórem pérpetim. Amen.

May our praise sing of Ignatius, prince of a mighty cohort, brilliant in words and deeds, a commander rousing his soldiers for battle.  Bound by singular love for the supreme King of the citizens of heaven, he counted nothing more pleasant than fostering the King’s glory.  Hence he devoted himself and his companions like a fighting army to vindicate the authority of Christ and drive away the darkness of error.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, a sublime guide and wise doctor of the world, he pointed out the sure path of salvation.  He spread and sent out his disciples to distant shores of the earth, wherever there was a desire for the Church he fostered joy among the nations. To the Trinity be glory, who grants us to follow bravely the example of this soldier for the eternal honor of Christ. Amen.

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