Sunday, March 26, 2023

Passion Sunday: Aemiliana Lohr

 Passion Sunday: Aemiliana Lohr


"Christ, the pure and innocent one, good as no other man can be, is in the power of the evil one. His prayer goes up to the Father for rescue, for help and protection. It is the prayer which rises in the mountain of Olives from his mind's anxiety, the prayer of the suffering man, Jesus. But the consciousness he has of himself as God's son is there as well; he knows that the Father's power is with him.

This consciousness speaks out even more strongly in the Gospel. The whole battle of words with the Pharisees which continues throughout the week to come is upheld by the divine rest which comes from Jesus' knowledge that he is God, and that his manhood is united to the Father in perfect obedience and love. In perfect peace, step by step, he goes forward, speaking without the least backward look of fear upon the ever more exciting bearing of his enemies, until he makes the solemn profession of his own eternity: 'Before Abraham ever came to be, I am.' The end seems near now; hands are already raised to stone him. But Jesus is there no longer; he has hidden himself and left the temple. What a revelation of divine security and strength there is".]

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