Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul

Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul: Lauds and Vespers: 8th-9th Centuries Conversion of St. Paul at Lauds: the second and third stanzas, omit the first; Chair of St. Peter at the Office of Readings, the first and third stanzas, omit the second.

Iam, bone pastor, Petre, clemens áccipe
vota precántum, et peccáti víncula
resólve, tibi potestáte trádita,
qua cunctis cælum verbo claudis, áperis.

Doctor egrégie, Paule, mores ínstrue
et mente polum nos transférre sátage,
donec perféctum largiátur plénius,
evacuáto quod ex parte gérimus.

Sit Trinitáti sempitérna glória,
honor, potéstas atque iubilátio,
in unitáte, cui manet impérium
ex tunc et modo per ætérna sæcula. Amen

Now, good shepherd, Peter, mercifully accept the intention of our prayers and loosen the chains of sin by the power handed over to you, through which with a word you close and open heaven for all.  Doctor without equal, Paul, instruct  our life and mind that we be set on the path to heaven;  grant that we may more fully  possess what has been perfected and what we now know only in part.  Glory be to the eternal Trinity, honor, power and praise in the Unity, whose authority abides  now and for eternal ages. Amen.

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