Saturday, November 5, 2016

St. Margaret of Scotland: Common of Holy Women

Office of Readings: 15th Century?

Hæc fémina laudábilis
et honoráta méritis,
ut sanctis pollet móribus,
triúmphat sic cum ángelis.

Ex corde devotíssimo
orans Deum cum lácrimis,
vigíliis, ieiúniis
hærébat hæc assíduis.

Contémnens mundi glóriam
ac mente semper íntegra,
perféctam post iustítiam
migrávit super sídera.

Quæ sanctitátis áctibus
sua ditávit límina,
lætátur nunc perpétuis
cæléstis ædis præmiis.

Laus uni ac trino Dómino,
qui nos eius precátibus,
perácto vitæ término,
coniúngat cæli cívibus. Amen.

This woman was so praiseworthy, so honored for her merits, so strong in her holy devotions that she triumphed with the angels. From a devoted heart she prayed to God with tears and continually observed vigils and fasting. Rejecting the glory of the world and with a mind ever pure, after she had perfected virtue, she passed beyond the stars. With holy deeds she enriched her home and now she rejoices perpetually in the rewards of a heavenly home. Praise to the One and Triune Lord who  by her prayers, when this life is done, joins us to the citizens of heaven. Amen.

Lauds: 10th Century

Iesu, coróna célsior
et véritas sublímior,
qui confiténti sérvulo
reddis perénne præmium,

Da supplicánti cœtui,
huius rogátu cælitis,
remissiónem críminum
rumpéndo nexum vínculi.

Nil vanitátis díligens,
terréna sic exércuit,
ut mente tota férvidus
tibi placéret únice.

Te, Christe, rex piíssime,
hic confiténdo iúgiter,
calcávit hostem fórtiter
supérbum ac satéllitem.

Virtúte clarus et fide,
oratióni sédulus
ac membra servans sóbria,
dapes supérnas óbtinet.

Jesus, the heavenly crown and higher truth, who renders to the servant who praises you  an eternal reward.  Grant to the praying company, by the entreaty of this heavenly citizen, remission of our sins and the breaking of our chains. Loving nothing vain she did occupied herself with earthly things in such a way  that with her whole mind she might fervently please you alone. By ever praising you, O Christ, King most holy, she bravely trampled down the enemy and his proud band. Shining bright with virtue, faith and continuous prayer, and sober in body, she attained the heavenly banquet.

Vespers: Silvius Antoniano 1603

Fortem viríli péctore
laudémus omnes féminam,
quæ sanctitátis glória
ubíque fulget ínclita.

Hæc sancto amóre sáucia,
huius cadúca sæculi
dum calcat, ad cæléstia
iter perégit árduum.

Carnem domans ieiúniis,
dulcíque mentem pábulo
oratiónis nútriens,
cæli potítur gáudiis.

Rex Christe, virtus fórtium,
qui magna solus éfficis,
huius precátu, quæsumus,
audi benígnus súpplices.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui nos beátæ sérvulæ
speráre das suffrágia
et sempitérna præmia. Amen.

Let us all praise this strong woman brave in heart, who bright with the glory of holiness shines everywhere. She, wounded by holy love and weak in the eyes of the world, while she walked the earth she  took  the hard road that leads to heaven. Ruling the flesh by fasting, the mind with sweet food, nourished by prayers, she drank in the praises of heaven. O Christ the King, the strength of the brave, who alone works great things: by her prayers, we beseech you, kindly hear our supplications. O Jesus to you be glory, grant that by the suffrages of your blessed servant we too may hope for eternal rewards. Amen.

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