Friday, November 27, 2020

Collects: Advent I


Advent Week One

Collect for Week I Advent:: Sunday

Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, hanc tuis fidelibus voluntatem, ut, Christo tuo venienti iustis operibus occurrentes, eius dexterae sociati, regnum mereantur possidere caeleste.

Grant, we beseech you, Almighty God, to your faithful the will to run to meet the coming of your Christ with righteous works that gathered at his right hand they may be made worthy to attain his heavenly kingdom.

Collect for Week I Advent: Monday 

Fac nos, quǽsumus, Dómine Deus noster, advéntum Christi Fílii tui sollícitos exspectáre, ut,dum, vénerit pulsans, oratiónibus vigilántes, et in suis invéniat láudibus exsultántes.

Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, to await eagerly the coming of Christ, thy Son, that when he comes knocking, he may find us vigilant in prayer and rejoicing in his praise.

Collect for Week I Advent: Tuesday 

Propitiáre, Dómine Deus, supplicatiónibus nostris, et tribulántibus, quǽsumus, tuæ concédep pietátis auxílium, ut, de Fílii tui veniéntis præséntia consoláti, nullis iam polluámur contágiisv vetustátis

Favor, O Lord God, our supplications and in troubles, we beseech thee, grant us the help of thy goodness, that consoled by presence of the coming of thy Son, we may not be defiled by old corruption.

Collect for Week I Advent: Wednesday 

Prǽpara, quǽsumus, Dómine Deus noster, corda nostra divína tua virtúte, ut, veniénte Christo Fílio tuo, digni inveniámur ætérnæ vitæ convívio, et cibum cæléstem, ipso ministránte, percípere mereámur.

Prepare, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, our hearts by thy divine power, so that when thy son Christ cometh, we may be found fit for the banquet of eternal life, and by his ministry to us, worthy to receive the food of heaven.

Collect for Week I Advent: Thursday 

Excita, Dómine, poténtiam tuam, et magna nobis virtúte succúrre, ut, quod nostra peccátapræpédiunt, grátia tuæ propitiatiónis accéleret.

Stir up, O Lord, thy power and come to our help with thy great might, that what our sins impede, the grace of thy pardon may swiftly overcome.

Collect for Week I Advent: Friday 

Excita, quǽsumus, Dómine, poténtiam tuam, et veni, ut, ab imminéntibus peccatórum nostrórum perículis, te mereámur protegénte éripi, te liberánte salvári.

Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy power and come, that we might by thy protection be made worthy to be rescued from the imminent perils of our sins and to be saved by thy deliverance.

Collect for Week I Advent: Saturday 

Deus, qui, ad liberándum humánum genus a vetustátis condicióne, Unigénitum tuum in hunc mundum misísti, largíre devóte exspectántibus supérnæ tuæ grátiam pietátis, ut ad veræ perveniámus prǽmium libertátis.

O God, who, in order to free the human race from its former condition, sent thine Only-Begotten Son into this world, graciously grant to those devoutly awaiting the grace of thy heavenly kindness, that we may attain the reward of true freedom.

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