Monday, November 16, 2020

Common of Religious



Ad Officium lectionis & ad Vesperas: novus


Læti coléntes fámulum

qui te perfécte cóluit,

tibi gratánter, Dómine,

amóris hymnum prómimus.


Christi fidélis assecla,

ultro relíquit gáudia

cuncta quæ mundus éxhibet

fugáces atque cópias.


Tibi se vovit súbditum

humilitáte obœdiens,

Christi, carnis mundítie,

sponsi æmulátor vírginum.


Tibi placére géstiit

tibíque adhæsit únice,

mentem, verba vel ópera

amóris fovens ígnibus.


His caritátis vínculis

in terris tibi déditus,

liber ad astra iúgiter

triumphatúrus pródiit.


Eius exémplis éxcitos

da gradi nos alácriter,

ut te cum Nato et Spíritu

laudémus hymnis cælicis. Amen.


Joyfully we honor your servant, who honored you perfectly, O Lord, to you we gratefully offer a hymn of love. A faithful follower of Christ, he freely renounced all joys which the world can give and its fleeting wealth. He vowed submission to you, humbly obedient, in chastity of flesh he imitated Christ the spouse of virgins. Eager to please you, he clung to you only, fostering mind, words and deeds with the fire of love. Through these bonds of love he dedicated himself to you on earth, unencumbered he went on perpetually to triumph among the stars. Grant that we, aroused by his example might step forward quickly that we may with heavenly hymns praise you with the Son and Spirit. Amen.


Ad Laudes matutinas: novus


O redemptóris píetas colénda,

quæ Patri exóptans hómines dicári,

Spíritus miro varióque ducis

  péctora nutu!


Quos tua lympha facis esse natos

ex Deo vero, nova vis in illis

grátiam crebro dare caritátis

  gérmina, Christe.


Tu vocas: currunt álacres vocáti,

ábdicant cunctis, duce te voléntes,

calle regáli crucis, usque solum

  quærere Patrem.


Cælitus fervens ita sanctus iste

víribus totis tibi amánter hæsit,

atque virtútum cúpiit tenére

  cúlmina læta.


Laus Patri summo, tibi, Christe princeps,

Flámini Sancto párilis resúltet,

parva qui danti, bona corde magno

  céntupla fertis. Amen.


O worthy love of the Redeemer, which desires that men be called to the Father, you lead them in the wondrous and varied ways of the Spirit, by beckoning the heart.  Those whom you have made sons of the true God by your baptismal waters, you often wish to give grace by new seeds of love, O Christ. You call and those called run quickly, leaving everything behind, taking you as their leader, on the royal road of the cross, to seek the Father alone. On fire for heaven, so this saint lovingly adhered to you with all his might and desired to grasp the happy pinnacle of the virtues. May praise resound to the highest Father and to you, O princely Christ, equally to the fiery Spirit, who grants to the poor of a pure heart to bring forth goods a hundredfold. Amen.

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