Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Common of Doctors : S. Anthony of Padua

Image result for S. Anthony of Padua

Relic: Tongue of S. Anthony of Padua

Lauds: Novus

Doctor ætérnus cóleris piúsque,
Christe, qui leges áperis salútis,
verba qui vitæ mérito putáris
  solus habére.

Teque clamámus, bone Pastor orbis,
cælitus semper solidásse Sponsæ
verba, constánter quibus illa mundo
  lumen adésset.

Ipse quin præbes fámulos corúscos,
áureas stellas velut emicántes,
certa qui nobis réserent beátæ
  dógmata vitæ.

Unde te laudes récinant, Magíster,
Spíritus fundis bona qui stupénda
ore doctórum, tua quo poténter
  lux patet alma.

Quique nunc iustus celebrátur, instet
ut tuam plebem per amœna lucis
des gradi, donec tibi dicat hymnos
  lúmine pleno. Amen.

O Christ, eternal and holy teacher, you are worshiped, who reveal the laws of salvation, you alone are understood to have the words which lead to a worthy life. We cry to you, Good Shepherd of the world, who from heaven above always confirm the words of your Bride the Church, through which she is the light to the world.  You make your servants shine like brilliant golden stars, which reveal to us the certain teaching of a blessed life. For this, O Master, they sing your praises, you who pour upon us the wonderful goods of the Spirit through the mouth of teachers by whom gracious light is powerfully revealed.  Now this just teacher is celebrated, who urges that you grant your people to advance by the pleasure of light until they, filled with light, may sing hymns to you. Amen.

Office of Readings and II Vespers: Novus

Ætérne sol, qui lúmine
creáta comples ómnia,
supréma lux et méntium,
te corda nostra cóncinunt.

Tuo fovénte Spíritu,
hic viva luminária
fulsére, per quæ sæculis
patent salútis sémitæ.

Quod verba missa cælitus,
natíva mens quod éxhibet,
per hos minístros grátiæ
novo nitóre cláruit.

Horum corónæ párticeps,
doctrína honéstus lúcida,
hic vir beátus splénduit
quem prædicámus láudibus.

Ipso favénte, quæsumus,
nobis, Deus, percúrrere
da veritátis trámitem,
possímus ut te cónsequi.

Eternal Sun, you fill all things with light, the supreme light of minds, our hearts sing to you.  By your loving Spirit, may there flow out strong lights through which the paths of salvation may be opened to the world. What words sent from heaven , what natural reason demonstrates though these ministers of grace grows bright with new light. Participant in in their reward, sharing in their brilliant  teaching, this blessed man shone forth, whose praises we proclaim. With his favor, we ask, O God, that we may advance quickly: give to us the path of truth that we may be able to come to you.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


 Image result for st barnabas statue

Ad Laudes matutinas & Ad Vesperas

Bárnabæ clarum cólimus tropǽum,
quo micat celsus mérita coróna,
multa pro Christi veheménter usque
passus amóre.

Abdicans agro, generósus urget
ut, fide vivax ope caritátis,
nóminis plebes nova christiáni
læta viréscat.

Quam libens noscit, petit atque defert
máximum Paulum, sócio labóre
Spíritus nutu péragrans fidélis
lítora multa!

Nil sibi parcit cupidúsque Christo
plúrimos affert, bonus atque pascit,
donec effúso rútila probátur
sánguine palma.

Da, Deus, tanto fámulo rogánte,
nos sequi fortes iter ad salútem,
ut domo ætérna tibi concinámus
cántica laudis. Amen.

We celebrate the illustrious triumph of Barnabas, by which he shines on high crowned by his merits, out of love for Christ he bravely suffered much.  Leaving behind his own land, he nobly urged that the new people called Christians, living in faith and by the works of charity should rejoice to grow strong. What he knows, he seeks from and defers to the great Paul, his companion in the work, faithful in spirit he travels to many distant shores.  Desiring  Christ he spares nothing for himself  and  bears much fruit, he tends the sheep well  until by pouring out his blood he obtains the martyr’s palm. Grant  O God , by the prayers of such a great servant, that we also may bravely follow the path to salvation that in our eternal home we may sing to you a hymn of praise. Amen.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Ad I & II Vesperas: Philippus Bruni

Auctor beáte sæculi,
Christe, Redémptor ómnium,
lumen Patris de lúmine
Deúsque verus de Deo:

Amor coégit te tuus
mortále corpus súmere,
ut, novus Adam, rédderes
quod vetus ille abstúlerat:

Ille amor, almus ártifex
terræ marísque et síderum,
erráta patrum míserans
et nostra rumpens víncula.

Non corde discédat tuo
vis illa amóris íncliti:
hoc fonte gentes háuriant
remissiónis grátiam.

Ad hoc acérbam lánceam
passúmque ad hoc est vúlnera,
ut nos laváret sórdibus
unda fluénte et sánguine.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui corde fundis grátiam,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

Blessed creator of the world,  O Christ, redeemer of all, light from the light of the Father, and true God from God.  Your love compelled you to take a mortal body that you as the new Adam might restore what the old Adam took away.  That love, O generous maker of the earth and the seas and stars,  caused you to have mercy  on the errors of our fathers and to break our chains.  May the power of that glorious love never depart fron your heart; may the nations drink form that from that fountain the grace of the remission of sins. For this you suffered the sharp lance and for this the wounding that it might cleanse us from our sins by the flow of water and blood. To you, O Jesus, be glory, who poured from your heart grace, with the Father and strengthening Spirit, in eternal ages. Amen.

Ad Officium lectionis: Philippus Bruni

Cor, arca legem cóntinens
non servitútis véteris,
sed grátiæ, sed véniæ,
sed et misericórdiæ;

Cor, sanctuárium novi
intemerátum fœderis,
templum vetústo sánctius
velúmque scisso utílius:

Te vulnerátum cáritas
ictu paténti vóluit,
amóris invisíbilis
ut venerémur vúlnera.

Hoc sub amóris sýmbolo
passus cruénta et mýstica,
utrúmque sacrifícium
Christus sacérdos óbtulit.

Quis non amántem rédamet?
quis non redémptus díligat
et caritáte iúgiter
hærére Christo géstiat?

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui corde fundis grátiam,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

Your heart contains the law, not the of law of slavery, but the law of grace, of pardon and of mercy.  Your heart is the pure sanctuary of the new covenant, a holier temple than the old one, a veil more profitable than the one that was torn. Love desired that you be wounded with a blow that opens you, invisible love that we might worship your wounds. Under this symbol of love, Christ suffered cruelly and mystically, as a priest he offered a twofold sacrifice. Who would not respond in love of one who loves this way? Who redeemed would not love and in love cleave always to Christ?  O Jesus, to you be glory, who from your heart poured out grace, with the Father and strengthening Spirit, in eternal ages. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: Bernardus claravallensis?

Iesu, auctor cleméntiæ,
totíus spes lætítiæ,
dulcóris fons et grátiæ,
veræ cordis delíciæ:

Iesu, spes pæniténtibus,
quam pius es peténtibus,
quam bonus te quæréntibus;
sed quid inveniéntibus?

Tua, Iesu, diléctio,
grata mentis reféctio,
replet sine fastídio,
dans famem desidério.

O Iesu dilectíssime,
spes suspirántis ánimæ,
te quærunt piæ lácrimæ,
te clamor mentis íntimæ.

Mane nobíscum, Dómine,
Mane novum cum lúmine,
pulsa noctis calígine
mundum replens dulcédine.

Iesu, summa benígnitas,
mira cordis iucúnditas,
incomprehénsa bónitas,
tua nos stringit cáritas.

Iesu, flos Matris vírginis,
amor nostræ dulcédinis,
laus tibi sine términis,
regnum beatitúdinis. Amen.

 O Jesus, author of mercy, the hope of complete joy and source of sweet grace and the true delight of the heart. O Jesus, hope of the penitent, how loving to those who ask you in prayer, how good to those who seek you; but what do they find? Your love, O Jesus, pleasing refreshment of the soul, he fills without weariness,   satisfying our hunger with desire. O most loving Jesus, hope of those who aspire for you, holy tears seek you, cry to you from deep inside the soul. Abide with us, O Lord, in the morning with the new light, drive away the darkness of night, filling the world with your sweetness.  O Jesus, highest kindness, wondrous joy of the heart, limitless goodness, your love urges us on. O Jesus, flower of the virgin Mother, love of our sweetness, praise to you without end in the kingdom blessed. Amen.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Tuesday: Weeks I & III

Lauds: novus
Pergráta mundo núntiat
auróra solis spícula,
res et colóre véstiens
iam cuncta dat nitéscere.

Qui sol per ævum prænites,
o Christe, nobis vívidus,
ad te canéntes vértimur,
te gestiéntes pérfrui.

Tu Patris es sciéntia
Verbúmque per quod ómnia
miro refúlgent órdine
mentésque nostras áttrahunt.

Da lucis ut nos fílii
sic ambulémus ímpigri,
ut Patris usque grátiam
mores et actus éxprimant.

Sincéra præsta ut prófluant
ex ore nostro iúgiter,
et veritátis dúlcibus
ut excitémur gáudiis.

The grateful dawn announces to the world the rays of the sun, and vesting things with color, makes all things to shine. O Christ, living for us, the sun shining through the ages, we turn to you singing and anxious to enjoy you. You are the knowledge of the Father and the Word through which all things glow in a wondrous order and attract our minds. Grant that we be sons of light, walking diligently, that our morals and acts may continually express the grace of the Father. Grant that sincerity may ever flow from our mouth and that we be inspired by the sweet joys of the truth.

When the Office of Readings is read in the daytime: 9th-10th Centuries

O sacrosáncta Trínitas,
quæ cuncta condens órdinas,
diem labóri députans
noctem quiéti dédicas,

Te mane, simul véspere,
te nocte ac die cánimus;
in tua nos tu glória
per cuncta serva témpora.

Nos ádsumus te cérnui
en adorántes fámuli;
vota precésque súpplicum
hymnis adiúnge cælitum.

O Holy Trinity, who creates and orders all things, establishing the day for work, giving the night for rest. Morning and evening, we sing to you night and day, preserve us in your glory at all times. We come to you on our knees, behold your adoring servants, join our intentions and prayers to the hymns of heaven.

Vespers: St. Gregory the Great?  

Tellúris ingens cónditor,
mundi solum qui éruens,
pulsis aquæ moléstiis,
terram dedísti immóbilem,

Ut germen aptum próferens,
fulvis decóra flóribus,
fecúnda fructu sísteret
pastúmque gratum rédderet:

Mentis perústæ vúlnera
munda viróre grátiæ,
ut facta fletu díluat
motúsque pravos átterat,

Iussis tuis obtémperet,
nullis malis appróximet,
bonis repléri gáudeat
et mortis actum nésciat.

O great creator of the earth, delivering the soil of the world, driving back the danger of the waters, you made the land secure. That bearing the appropriate seed, with beautiful golden flowers, it might be fertile with fruit, and render pleasing food. Cleanse the wounds of our dried out minds with the vigor of grace that it may purge our deeds with weeping and put a stop to disordered habits. At your command may our minds obey, draw near to no evil, rejoice to be filled with good, and know no eternal death.