Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ambrosian Epiphany Hymn

 The Mozarabic version has five additional stanzas, one more on the changing of water into wine, three on the feeding of the 5000, one on the Lord taking our flesh from the Virgin.

Illuminans Altissimus
Micantium astrorum globos,
Pax, vita, lumen, veritas,
Jesu, fave precantibus.

Seu mystico baptismate,
Fluenta Jordanis retro
Conversa quondam tertio,
Praesentem sacraris diem.

Seu stella partum Virginis
Coelo micans signaveris,
Et hac adoratum die
Praesepe Magos duxeris.

Vel hydriis plenis aqua
Vini saporem infuderis:
Hausit minister conscius
Quod ipse non impleverat.

Gloria tibi, Domine,
Qui apparuisti hodie,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.


Most High God! thou that enkindlest the fires of the shining stars! O Jesus! thou that art peace, and life, and light, and truth, hear and grant our prayers. This present day has been made holy by thy mystic Baptism, whereby thou didst sanctify those waters of the Jordan, which, of old, were thrice turned back. It is holy by the Star shining in the heavens, whereby thou didst announce thy Virginal Mother’s delivery, and didst, on the same day, lead the Magi to adore thee in thy Crib. It is holy, too, by thy changing the water of the pitchers into wine; which the steward of the feast, knowing that he had not so filled them, drew forth for the guests. Glory be to thee, O Lord Jesus! that didst appear on this Day! and to the Father and to the Holy Ghost, for everlasting ages. Amen.

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