Tuesday, October 15, 2024

From the Horologium Sapientiae of Blessed Henry Suso.


From the Horologium Sapientiae of Blessed Henry Suso.


Consider now, all you hearts, who love God with a pure mind. For something similar happens to us when the fruitful Virgin clothed with sun, the chosen Queen of heaven, enters like the sun into the confines of our hearts and the memory of her penetrates our minds more brightly than the sun penetrates a cloudless sky. Immediately every difficulty vanishes before the intensity of such a light. Darkness is put to flight, a new dawn arises, and innumerable reasons for rejoicing are provided. Therefore, to you, O our hope, the joy and happiness of our hearts, we wretched sinners break forth in a shout of greeting. We salute you most affectionately from the bottom of our hearts with sighs and tears and with sighs and tears and the devout genuflection of our hearts, O mother of grace. The children shout for joy at the sound of the pipes and every heart is gladdened by those happy shoes And so at the most sweet remembrance of you I am all on fire with fervor of divine love, desiring to praise you whom the world and its fullness, the heaven of heavens and every power within them praise.


Indeed, the goodness of every creature compared to your dignity is the weak glow of the moon compared to the immense brilliance of the sun. For the divine wisdom so excellently adorned you with grace and so abundantly clothed you with goodness that this incomprehensible wisdom reflected in you becomes more desirable to us through your splendor.


O precious treasury for us wretched ones! Behold, when through our sin we lost the supreme king, when we offended the angels, when we are burdensome to ourselves and know nothing at all about what we ought to do, then this recourse alone remains for us wretches. We should raise eyes of our heart and of our body to you, seeking counsel and begging, O exultation of my heart, singular hope and joy of my life, you know often with bitter soul, troubled heart, and tearful face I have raised my to you, most holy Virgin, when I have offended God and considered myself destined for hell, when I have been besieged on all sides by enemies. And with your help, blessed Virgin, I have escaped all dangers, Some rejoice over their innocence, others over the abundance of their merits, others may exult in the speedily-given mercy of God, You, my mother. are the hope and the only solace of my life! When I totally despair of God and of myself, by thinking of you, by remembering you, my spirit revives as of the deepest darkness. You are my glory, my salvation, my honor, and my life.

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