Monday, September 27, 2021



Ad Officium lectionis: novus (the hymn at Vespers may be substituted)


Festíva vos, archángeli,

hæc nostra tollunt cántica,

quos in supérna cúria

insígnit ingens glória.


Tu nos, cohórtis cælicæ

invícte princeps, Míchael,

dextra corúsca róbora

Deíque serva grátiæ.


Qui núntius deléctus es

mysteriórum máximus,

nos lucis usque, Gábriel,

fac diligámus sémitas.


Nobis adésto, Ráphael,

ac pátriam peténtibus

morbos repélle córporum,

affer salútem méntium.


Vosque angelórum cándida

nos adiuvétis ágmina,

possímus ut consórtio

vestro beáti pérfrui.


Summo Parénti et Fílio

honor sit ac Paráclito,

quos vester uno prædicat

concéntus hymno pérpetim. Amen.


These our festive hymns celebrate you, O Archangels, whom in the heavenly courts mighty glory marks. You, O Michael, invincible prince of the heavenly hosts, by your strong flashing right hand keep us in God’s grace. You who are the beloved and the greatest herald of the mysteries, O Gabriel, grant that we always choose the way of light. Be present, O Raphael, with those who seek the fatherland, drive away sickness of body, bring salvation of souls. You bright hosts of angels, aid us, that we, the blessed, may joyously delight in your company. To the highest Father and the Son, and the Paraclete, be honor, whom your consort ever proclaims with one hymn. Amen.


Ad Laudes matutinas: saec. X


Tibi, Christe, splendor Patris,

  vita, virtus córdium,

in conspéctu angelórum

  votis, voce psállimus;

alternántes concrepándo

  melos damus vócibus.


Collaudámus venerántes

  ínclitos archángelos,

sed præcípue primátem

  cæléstis exércitus,

Michaélem in virtúte

  conteréntem Sátanam.


Quo custóde procul pelle,

  rex Christe piíssime,

omne nefas inimíci;

  mundos corde et córpore

paradíso redde tuo

  nos sola cleméntia.


Glóriam Patri melódis

  personémus vócibus,

glóriam Christo canámus,

  glóriam Paráclito,

qui Deus trinus et unus

  exstat ante sæcula. Amen.


To you, O Christ, splendor of the Father, life and strength of hearts, in the presence of the angels, with prayers our voices sing hymns, by turns offering them with our voices.   We praise and venerate all the great archangels, but especially Michael, the primate of the heavenly hosts, by virtue of his crushing Satan.  O Christ our King, with him as guard, drive away all wickedness of the enemy; by your mercy alone return us, cleansed in heart and body, to your paradise. Let us sing hymns with our voices glory to the Father, let us sing glory to Christ, glory to the Paraclete, God, triune and one, who existed before the ages. Amen.


Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendor,

Life and virtue of the heart,

In the presence of the angels

Sing we now with tuneful art,

Meetly in alternate chorus,

Bearing our responsive part.


Thus, we praise with veneration

All the armies of the sky;

Chiefly him, the warrior primate,

Of celestial chivalry,

Michael, who in princely virtue

Cast Abaddon from on high.


By whose watchful care repelling—

King of everlasting grace—

Every ghostly adversary,

All things evil, all things base,

Grant us of Thine only goodness,

In Thy paradise a place.


Laud and honor to the Father,

Laud and honor to the Son,

Laud and honor to the Spirit,

Ever Three, and ever One,

Consubstantial, co-eternal,

While unending ages run.



Ad II Vesperas: saec. X


Angelum pacis Míchael ad istam,

Christe, demítti rogitámus aulam,

cuncta quo crebro veniénte crescant

  próspera nobis.


Angelus fortis Gábriel, ut hostem

pellat antíquum, vólitet supérne,

sæpius templum cúpiens favéndo

  vísere nostrum.


Angelum nobis médicum salútis

mitte de cælis Ráphael, ut omnes

sanet ægrótos paritérque nostros

  dírigat actus.


Christe, sanctórum decus angelórum,

adsit illórum chorus usque nobis,

ut simul tandem Tríadi per ævum

  cármina demus. Amen.


O Christ, we beg, send down to this temple Michael, the angel of peace, by whose frequent visitation all things prosper for us. May Gabriel, the strong angel, fly down from above and banish our ancient enemy, ever eager to watch over our church with his favor. Send to us from heaven Raphael, the healing angel of salvation, that he may heal the sick and equally guide our actions.  O Christ, the beauty of the angels, may the their choir always come to our assistance, that we with them may offer hymns to the Trinity through the ages. Amen.


SEND Thy Archangel, Michael, to our succor;

Peacemaker blessed, may he banish from us

striving and hatred, so that for the peaceful all

things may prosper.


SEND Thy Archangel, Gabriel, the mighty,

herald of heaven; may he from us mortals

spurn the old serpent, watching o'er the temples

where Thou art worshiped.


SEND Thy Archangel, Raphael, the restorer

of the misguided ways of men who wander,

who at Thy biding strengthens soul and body

with Thine anointing.


MAY the blest Mother of our God and Savior,

may the assembly of the Saints in glory,

may the celestial companies of Angels

ever assist us.


THIS He vouchsafe us, God forever blessed,

Father eternal, Son, and Holy Spirit,

whose is the glory which through all creation

ever resoundeth. Amen. 

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