Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Rule of our Holy Father Benedict. What are the instruments of Good Works. Continued.

The Rule of our Holy Father Benedict. What are the instruments of Good Works. Continued.

By deeds daily to fulfil the precepts of God. To love chastity. Not to hate anyone. Not to harbor jealousy. Not to love contention. To avoid elation. To venerate seniors. To love juniors. In the love of Christ to pray for one’s enemies. In case of discord with anyone to make peace before the setting of the sun. And never to despair of the mercy of God. Behold, these are the instruments of the spiritual art, the which, when they shall have been ceaselessly employed by us day and night and duly given back in the day of judgment, shall be recompensed to us by that reward from God which He promised: “That which the eye hath not seen, nor the ear heard, and that hath not entered into the human heart, the things which God has prepared for them who love Him.” the community are the workshop wherein we may diligently effect all these works. 

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