Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rachel Fulton Brown: the mystery of Mary


Rachel Fulton Brown: the mystery of Mary

This was the 

mystery as Anselm of Canterbury saw it: 

Nothing equals Mary, 

nothing but God is greater than Mary… 

All nature is created by God and God is born of Mary. 

God created all things, and Mary gave birth to God… 

He who was able to make all things out of nothing 

refused to remake it by force, 

but first became the Son of Mary. 

So, God is the Father of all created things, 

and Mary is the mother of all re-created things. 

In Jeremiah’s words (31.22), ‘creavit Dominus novum super terram, femina circumdabit virum’, ‘that is’, as Bruno of Asti, bishop of Segni (d. 1123), explained, ‘the Virgin Mary carried Christ in her womb, he whom the whole world could not contain’. 

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