Sunday, January 5, 2025

1996 The Heart of Mary in the Latin Tradition: From the Seventh to the Sixteenth Century Théodore Koehler University of Dayton

1996 The Heart of Mary in the Latin Tradition: From the Seventh to the Sixteenth Century Théodore Koehler University of Dayton



Bede: Hom. 7, In Nativ. Domini (Luc. ii, 16-20); Hom. 4, In Adventu (Luc. l, 39-65); Jn Lucam 1 [Lk 2:34-35] (Chr 120:68; PL 92, 346C); (éa. 673-735).


The virgin will conceive and bring forth a son. She venerated these mysteries in the depths of her heart (in sui pectoris abdito). When Elizabeth, however, under the revelation of the Holy Spirit, proclaimed these mysteries, Mary opened the heavenly treasure that she kept in her heart and the Magnificat sprang forth from it. Finally, in the sword predicted by Simeon (Lk 2:35) that would pierce her soul (the word heart is not used), Bede saw foreshadowed Mary's suffering during her Son's passion.


11th Century:


Fulbert (Bishop of Chartres from 1006 to 1028): "Open the womb of your mercy by your intercession for me."


Anonymous prayer: "0 most beloved and most holy ever Virgin Mary, here 1 stand guilty before the face of your mercy." Finally, the image of the merciful hands is also biblical. Anselm of Lucca writes in a prayer for Countess Mathilde of Tuscany: "0 most glorious sovereign, I fly to your mildness and to your singular mercy: into your most holy hands I commend my soul and my body" {cf. Ps 30:5).


12th  Century


Ralph of Secures


"The power of God, the wisdom of God and all the treasures of wisdom and science were in Mary ... She kept all the words of the angels, of the shepherds, of the magi, and also of her own son, meditating on them in her heart" (Lk 2:19). Christ, the Word of God, dwelt in the heart of Mary there she kept the riches of this Word: "Never did anyone taste, as did Mary, how delightful God is" (Ps 33:9).



12th Century


Saint Bruno of Asti


For this virgin, the most blessed among creatures, kept more than all the others the privileges of both lives: active and contemplative. She also, like Martha, and even better than Martha, received Christ not only in her house but even into the gates of her womb. She conceived him, she begot him, she brought him forth, she carried him and, more than Martha, and more frequently, she served him. Therefore, as did Mary of Bethany, she listened to his word, and not only listened but meditated about it in her heart, and kept it for us to be read, to be heard. For it is written, "Mary kept al these words pondering them in her heart" (Lk 2:19). She deserved to contemplate and know Jesus more, not only according to his humanity but even according to his divinity. Therefore, she has chosen the best part that will not be taken away from her.




The heart of Mary was so well purified from all sin-if something still remained in her of sin, either original or present-that the Spirit of God truly could rest totally upon her ... and accept her more agreeably than any holocaust through the obedience of this very chaste and simple heart to the will of God; and give to the son of God a body taken from her, when the power of the Most High would take her under his shadow.



Richard of St. Victor


The compassion is in the heart, the passion in the body. Compassion is not visible, passion is manifest ... The Mother of God, like the red flowers of Jericho [Eccli 24:181, shined in our failing world by her compassionate presence with an admirable and singular way. For "a sword pierced her soul" (Lk 2:[35]). Who could becomingly weigh what sword of suffering she supported when she saw her son pending and dying on the Cross?"


St. Bernard of Clairvaux


Rejoice, daughter of Sion, exult, daughter of Jerusalem (cf. Zech 9:9). Since joy and happiness were granted to you because you listened, let us now hear your answer of joy that we all want ... This is the supplication, 0 merciful Virgin, that Adam addresses to you in his affliction, with his miserable descendants excluded from paradise: Abraham, David and the other patriarchs, your ancestors, they ail implore you ... 0 Virgin 1 hurry to answer. 0 Our Lady 1 pronounces the word that is expected by all the earth, by the underworld and by the heavens. The King and universal Lord Himself wants this consent, as much as He desired your beauty, for He has proposed to you the salvation of the world ... Open, 0 blessed Virgin 1 your heart to faith, your lips to confess it, your womb to the Creator.



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