This hymn is used for Matins on the Feast of the Maternity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary in the Extraordinary Form.
Redemptor prætulit
Felicis alvum Virginis,
Ubi futura victima
Mortale corpus induit.
Virgo nobis edidit
Nostræ salutis auspicem,
Qui nos redemit sanguine,
Pœnas crucemque pertulit.
læta nostro e pectore
Pellat timores anxios:
Hæc quippe nostras lacrimas
Precesque defert Filio.
Parentis excipit,
Votisque Natus annuit:
Hanc quisque semper diligat,
Rebusque in arctis invocet.
Trinitati gloria,
Quæ Matris intactum sinum
Ditavit almo germine,
Laus sit per omne sæculum. Amen.
Words: Anonymous Latin, 18th C.
The Redeemer from heaven choose the blessed Virgin’s womb, where
he took a mortal body for the future sacrifice. For us this Virgin gave birth to
the source of our salvation; He redeemed us by his blood, he endured the
punishments and the cross. May she, our joyful hope, drive anxious fears
our heart; may she offer to her Son our tears and prayers. The Son
hears the voice and prayers of his Mother and grants them; may men ever love
this woman and call upon her help in trouble. Glory be to the Trinity, who
enriched with gracious fruit the womb of the pure Mother; Praise through all
ages. Amen.
This hymn is used for Lauds on the Feast of the Maternity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary in the Extraordinary Form.
Mater alma Numinis,
Oramus omnes supplices,
A fraude nos ut dæmonis
Tua sub umbra protegas.
perditum nostrum genus
Primi parentis crimine,
Ad inclitum Matris decus
Te Rex supremus extulit.
ergo prospice
Lapsis Adami posteris:
A te rogatus Filius
Deponat iram vindicem.
tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Vírgine,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna sæcula. Amen.
Words: Anonymous Latin, 18th C.
Mother of God, we humbly pray, that you protect us under your cloak from
deceits of the devil. On account of our race dishonored by the sin of our first
parent, the most- high King raised you up to the noble honor of being his
Mother. Therefore, mercifully watch over Adam’s fallen offspring;
by you may your Son lay aside his avenging anger.
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