Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Benignitatis Fons Deus


Benignitatis Fons Deus


This hymn was used for Vespers & Lauds for the three day fast leading up to Epiphany in the Mozarabic Breviary. It was also used in that Breviary for Lauds on Ash Wednesday, Vespers and Lauds on the fast from Wednesday through Saturday leading up to Pentecost (only Lauds on Saturday) and Vespers and Lauds on the fasts before the Feast of St. Cyprian (Sept. 14) and St. Martin (Nov. 11) (only Lauds on Saturday). It is also listed for Terce during Lent in the section on the Minor Offices in the Mozarabic Breviary.


Benignitatis fons Deus,
Qui non habens finem boni
Super malum scelestium,
Semper pius, semper bonus.


O God, fount of goodness, you who no end of goodness, over wicked evil, ever gracious, ever good.

Mœstum=sorrowful we strike down enough the sorrowful heart and beat our sad beat, pour out tears from our eyes, we lead sorrowful cheeks,


Mœstum satis cor cædimus,
Et triste pectus tundimus,
Aquas pupillæ fundimus,
Mœstas genas inducimus.


Egisse multum pœnitet
Horrens, tetrum, vel pessimum;
Turpissimum, ac sordidum
Fatemur omne noxium.



Done a lot of regret

Horrible, horrible or bad;

The most shameful, and unclean

We acknowledge that every noxious thing.



Elata vox te postulat,
Tu parce, dicit, Conditor,
Iam parce clamat obsecrans,
Ignosce quod commisimus.



In a loud voice to demands

But you spare this one, he says, Maker of all,

Spare me in and cries out to you, exhorting,

Sorry that I committed.



Non ira mœstos sorbeat,

Non pœna fessos conterat:
Solare contritos cito,
Et gaudium nobis dato.



It is not the wrath of the drinks even with a heavy heart,

No penalty tired and crushed

Solar broken quickly,

The joy we wish.


Præsta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito,
Regnans per omne sæculum. Amen.


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