Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lenten Hymn from the Durham Hymnal


Lenten Hymn from the Durham Hymnal


Use is unclear.


indultor & peccaminum,

lesu, quadragenarii

consecrator ieiunii,


da pectoris munditiam,

corporis castimoniam,

ne valeat inrumpere

corruptor pudicitiae,


qui protoplastum vetiro

illiciens edulio

in huius vite torridum

detruserat ergastulum.


Nos, filii aecclesiae

tuo redempti sanguine,

voce precamur humili,

ne pereamus miseri:


Sana languencum vulnera,

dum restringuntur corpora,

dele virus malitiae

medela parsimoniae,


sicut in sterquilinio

benignitatis oculo

dignatus es revisere

lob in favilla & cinere.


Presta, pater, per filium


Lofty Savior of all, pardoner of sins, consecrator of the forty-day fast, grant cleansing of the heart, chastity of body, that destroyer of modesty not be able to break in, who by the forbidden food thrust down the first man into dry prison of this life. We, sons of the Church, redeemed by your blood, pray with humble voice that we not perish miserably: heal our languishing wounds, while our bodies are restored, blot out the virus of evil with the remedy of fasting, just as you vouchsafed to look with a kind eye on Job upon the dunghill in dust and ashes.

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