Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Durham Hymnal: Candlemas, Annunciation, Office of Our Lady

aeterni patris filii,
fer opem nobis omnibus
ad te confugientibus.
Deum de deo genitum
tu genuisti filium;
qui non habet initium,
ex te sumpsit exordium.
Hunc partum admirabilem
semperque conlaudabilem
olim prophete consono
affati sunt oraculo.

Per Gabrihel archangelum
de caelo venit nuntium
electum dei filium.
Affatus est per ordinem:
'Ave, Maria inclita,
tu plena Dei gratia,
concipies per spiritum
& generabis filium.

O virgo beatissima
per cuncta  semper secula,
& tu miranda nimium
& nunc & in perpetuum.

Qui totum mundum condidit,
in te formatus extitit,
quem mundus totus non capit
in tuo ventre iacuit.

Hunc nobis nasci profuit;
a morte nos eripuit,
pro nobis ipse mortuus
& nos per ipsum vivimus.

Deo patri sit Gloria

Mary, mother of the Lord, of the Son of the eternal Father, help us all who flee to you. You bore a son, God begotten of God, he who has no beginning took his beginning from you. This wondrous birth, ever to be praised, of old all the prophets spoke in prophecy. Through the angel Gabriel the tidings came from heaven, in due order he announced the elect Son of God. “Hail, Mary great, filled with God’s grace, you will conceive through the Spirit and give birth to a son’. O virgin most blessed through the ages, you so admirable now and forever. He who created the whole world was formed within you, he whom the world could not contain is placed within your womb. It is good that he was born, he rescued us from death, he died for us that we might live through him.

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