Saturday, May 13, 2017

Durham Hymnal: Fit porta Christi pervia

Durham Hymnal: Fit porta Christi pervia

Walpole: “a fragment of an alphabetic hymn, the rest of which is lost.  In Mozarabic use … this hymn was sung only in die sanctae Mariae”. Milfull: “this hymn seems to be intended for the Assumption of Mary in DVm …In H and its collector it is assigned to Compline of the third and fourth Sunday in Advent and of the Annunciation”.

referta, plena gratia,
transitque rex & permanet
clausa, ut fuit, per secula.
Genus superni numinis
processit aula virginis,
sponsus, redemptor, conditor,
sue gigas aecclesiae.

Honor matris & gaudium,
inmensa spes credentium
per atra mortis pocula
resolvit nostra crimina.

Deo patri sit Gloria

A gate for Christ to pass through is made, filled with the fullness of grace, the King goes through but it remains closed, as it was, forever. The progeny of the heavenly God proceeds from the virginal womb, the bridegroom, the redeemer, the creator, the giant of the Church. The honor and joy of the mother, the immense hope of believers, by drinking the dark cup of death he absolves our sins.

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