Saturday, May 6, 2017

Feast of the Apparition at Lourdes: Dominican Breviary: Matins

These hymns are entirely concerned with the Immaculate Conception and only refer to one event at Lourdes: Our Lady’s words to Bernadette: que soy era Immaculada Councepciou.

Te dicimus praeconio,
Intacta Mater Numinis,
Nostris benigna laudibus
Tuam repende gratiam.

Sontes Adami posteri
Infecta proles gignimur:
Labis paternae nescia
Tu sola, Virgo, crederis.

Caput draconis invidi
Tu conteris vestigio,
Et sola gloriam refers
Intaminatae originis.

O gentis humanae decus,
Quae tollis Hevae opprobrium,
Tu nos tuere supplices,
Tu nos labantes erige.

Serpentis antiqui potens
Astus retunde et impetus,
Ut caelitum perennibus
Per te fruamur gaudiis.

Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula.

We proclaim you, pure Mother of divinity, graciously bestow your grace upon our praises. We guilty progeny of Adam are born infected; you alone are believed to have not known paternal ruin.  You crushed under foot the head of the envious serpent, and you alone bear the glory of an undefiled origin. O honor of the human race, who take away the reproach of Eve, watch over us who pray to you, guide us when we fall. Powerfully repel the cunning and attacks of the ancient serpent, that through you we may enjoy the eternal gladness of heaven.

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