Saturday, December 29, 2018


Vespers I & II: Pope Leo XIII

O lux beáta cælitum
et summa spes mortálium,
Iesu, cui doméstica
arrísit orto cáritas;

María, dives grátia,
o sola quæ casto potes
fovére Iesum péctore,
cum lacte donans óscula;

Tuque ex vetústis pátribus
delécte custos Vírginis,
dulci patris quem nómine
divína Proles ínvocat:

De stirpe Iesse nóbili
nati in salútem géntium,
audíte nos, qui súpplices
ex corde vota fúndimus.

Qua vestra sedes flóruit
virtútis omnis grátia,
hanc detur in domésticis
reférre posse móribus.

Iesu, tuis obœdiens
qui factus es paréntibus,
cum Patre summo ac Spíritu
semper tibi sit glória. Amen.

O blessed Light of heaven’s saints and highest hope of mortal men, Jesus, upon whose birth  domestic love smiled.  Mary, rich in grace, who alone feed Jesus from a pure heart, giving him kisses with the milk. And you, O Joseph, one the old patriarchs, chosen Guardian of the Virgin,  whom your Offspring addressed with the divine and sweet name of ‘father’. From the noble line of Jesse, born to save the nations, hear us humbly pouring out our prayers to you.  Your home flourished with the grace of every virtue; may this be given to our domestic life. To Jesus, made obedient to your parents, with the most high Father and the Spirit, to you be glory for evermore. Amen.

Office of Readings: Pope Leo XIII

Dulce fit nobis memoráre parvum
Názaræ tectum tenuémque cultum;
éxpedit Iesu tácitam reférre
  cármine vitam.

Arte qua Ioseph húmili excoléndus,
ábdito Iesus iuvenéscit ævo,
seque fabrílis sócium labóris
  ádicit ultro.

Assidet nato pia mater almo,
ássidet sponso bona nupta, felix
si potest curas releváre lassis
  múnere amíco.

O neque expértes óperæ et labóris,
nec mali ignári, míseros iuváte;
quotquot implórant cólumen, benígno
  cérnite vultu.

Sit tibi, Iesu, decus atque virtus,
sancta qui vitæ documénta præbes,
quique cum summo Genitóre et almo
  Flámine regnas. Amen.

It is sweet for us to remember the little house at Nazareth and its simple life and to sing of the hidden life that Jesus spent there. In the hidden time Jesus grew and learned the humble skill of Joseph and as a carpenter also made himself a companion of those who work. The holy Mother sits next to  her loving Son like a goof wife with her spouse, happy to relieve the worries of the weary  with the gift of love. O you who surely knew of  work and trouble and were not ignorant of evil, come to the aid of the wretched; look upon those who beg your support with a kindly countenance. To you, O Jesus, honor and strength, you who give us life in the Holy Scriptures, you who rule with almighty Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lauds: novus

Christe, splendor Patris,
Dei mater Virgo,
Ioseph, tam sacrórum
pígnorum servátor,

Nitet vestra domus
flóribus virtútum,
unde gratiárum
fons prománat ipse.

Angeli stupéntes
Natum Dei cernunt
servi forma indútum
servis famulántem.

Imus præes, Ioseph,
humilísque iubes;
iubes et María
et utríque servis.

Cunctis præstant aulis
hæc egéna sæpta,
salus unde cœpit
géneris humáni.

Iesu, Mater, Ioseph,
mansiónis vestræ
nostras date sedes
donis frui sanctis.

Tibi laudes, Christe,
spem qui nobis præbes,
tuos per paréntes
cæli adíre domum. Amen.

O Christ, the splendor of the Father, O Virgin Mother of God, O Joseph,  protector of the holy family bond.  Your home shines forth with the flowers of the virtues, from which is derived the Fount of graces himself. Seeing the birth of God angels are amazed, he clothed in the form of a servant, subject to his family. The Lowly and humble head of the family Joseph commands, Mary also orders, and you, Jesus, serve both. This lowly impoverished home surpasses all royal halls, because from here began the salvation of the human race. Jesus, Mother, and Joseph, grant to our homes the holy gifts of your home.  Praise, O Christ, to you, who gives hope to us, through your two parents, to reach the home of heaven. Amen.

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