Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Christmas Octave: St. Bernard on the Holy Name

Sermon 15 on the Song of Songs, 5-6.

Not without reason does the Holy Spirit compare the name of the Bridegroom to oil, when he teaches the bride to say to the Bridegroom: Thy very name spoken soothes the heart like flow of oil. For oil provides light, nourishment, and anointing. It feeds fire, it nourishes the body, it soothes pain; it is a light, a food, and a medicine. Consider now that all this is true of the Bridegroom's name. To speak of it gives light, to think of it is the food of the soul, to call upon it calms and soothes the heart. Let us take each point separately.

What, think you, has made the light of faith to shine so brightly and so suddenly in the whole world, but the preaching of the name of Jesus? Is it not in the light of this name, that God has called us into his marvelous light? To us, being thus enlightened, and in that light seeing light, does St. Paul truly say: Once you were all darkness; now, in the Lord, you are all daylight. This is the name which the same Apostle was bidden to carry before kings, and Gentiles, and the children of Israel. And he carried that name as a light, and enlightened his country, and everywhere he cried: The night is far on its course; day draws near. Let us abandon the ways of darkness, and put on the armor of light.  Let us pass our time honorably, as by the light of day.  To all, he pointed out that candle set upon a candlestick, preaching in every place Jesus Christ, and him as crucified. How that light shone forth, blinding every eye that beheld it, when it came like lightning from the mouth of Peter, and gave strength to the soles and feet of the lame man, and enlightened many who were spiritually blind! Did he not cast fire, when he said: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk?

Not only is the name of Jesus light; it is also food. Are you not strengthened, as often as you call it to mind? What else so fattens the soul of him who ponders over it? What is there with such power to refresh the wearied senses, to strengthen courage, to help men to lead good and holy lives, to cherish chaste affection? The soul finds every food dry, that is not moistened with this oil; everything tasteless, if not seasoned with this salt. Nothing you write has any interest for me unless I read Jesus therein. Do you dispute or consult together, again it is nothing to me, unless I hear the name of Jesus. That name is like honey in the mouth, like music in the ear, like gladness in the heart.

It is a healing balm also. Is any sad among us? Let the thought of Jesus come into his heart, and thence leap to his mouth. When the light of that name begins to dawn, it scatters every cloud, and brings back calm. Does anyone fall into sin, and through despair come nigh to the brink of death? If he but call on that life-giving name, he shall quickly come back to life. So when I pronounce the name of Jesus, I call upon a Man meek and humble of heart, good, sober, chaste, merciful, of shining virtue and sanctity, and at the same time an all- powerful God, able to heal me by his example and to strengthen me by his assistance.

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