Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sermon by St. Bernadine of Siena on St. Joseph

It is a general rule of all special graces imparted to any rational creature, that whenever Divine grace chooses anyone for some special favor, or for some exalted position, it bestows all those gifts which are needful for the person so chosen, and for his office; and it abundantly adorns him with them. This is eminently shown in S. Joseph, the reputed father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the true spouse of the Queen of the world and Lady of Angels: he who was chosen by the Eternal Father as the faithful guardian and keeper of his choicest Treasure, that is his Son and the Saint's own Spouse; an office which he most faithfully fulfilled. Therefore, to him the Lord said, Good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

IF you compare him with the Universal Church of Christ, is not this man essentially one chosen and set apart, through whom and under whom Christ was regularly and honorably brought into the world? therefore the Holy Universal Church is debtor to the Virgin Mother because she was worthy that of her Christ should be born, so certainly, after her, special thanks and reverence are due to Joseph. For he is the key of the Old Testament, in whom the dignity of Patriarch and Prophet attains to the promised fruit. Moreover, he stands alone, who actually possessed what Divine condescension promised to them. Rightly therefore is he prefigured by the Patriarch Joseph, who preserved corn for the people. But he excels this latter, since he nourished not merely Egypt with the bread of mortal life, but all the elect with the Bread from heaven, which bestows heavenly life.

TRULY it cannot be doubted that the friendship, respect and high honor, which Christ, when among men, showed him as a son towards his father, will not be denied to him in heaven, but rather fulfilled and completed. Wherefore, in the words uttered by the Lord, not undeservedly is there added, enter into joy, so that (as is mystically suggested) that joy shall not only be within him, but be everywhere surrounding and absorbing him, and as it were plunging him into its infinite depths.

BE mindful of us, therefore, blessed Joseph, and intercede for us, helping us by thy prayers with thy reputed Son : and obtain for us grace, with thy Spouse the Blessed Virgin, Mother of him who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth throughout infinite ages of ages. Amen.

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