Monday, May 6, 2019

St. Anselm: Mary brings to the whole world a grace of resurrection

Can any words of mine do justice to the mother of my Creator and Savior, whose holiness drew down forgiveness for my sins, whose wholeness obtained for me incorruptibility, whose virginity gave the Lord the means of loving this soul of mine and enabled God to plight me his troth? Can any tribute I may pay to the mother of my Lord and God be adequate if her conceiving brought me redemption from captivity, her delivery delivered me from eternal death, and her Child raised me from ruin, and from exile and misery restored me to the bliss of my Father's house?

All this the blessed Fruit of your womb bestowed upon me, O blessed among women, at my baptism, when he brought me to birth again. Some of it he gave me possession of at the time, the rest I was to count on having later. Yet by my sins I have deprived myself of it all. I no longer have what I then possessed, and it is all I can do to count on what was promised me for the future. It is my own fault that such blessings have faded away; but that does not mean that I should not be thankful I have received them: I must not be ungrateful to her through whom they came my way in the first place. God forbid that I should add that sin to all the rest. No; I thank her because I once had these things, I grieve because I have them no longer, I pray that I may have them back again; for sure I am that just as the Son's grace enabled me to receive them, so the mother's merits will help me to retrieve them. You are the gate, Lady, that opens on to life, the door that gives access to salvation, the road to reconciliation, the avenue to restoration. I beseech you, Lady, by your fruitfulness, the source of our salvation, pray that my sins may be forgiven and the grace of a holy life conferred upon me; and may this servant of yours be safe under your protection forever.

Amazement lays hold of us, Lady, when we think of your maidenhood, for none other has ever approached it. We love you because in conceiving you procured our salvation; we revere you for your holiness beyond all price. You it was that showed the world the Lord and God it had failed to know. You made visible to it the Creator it had never seen. You bore for it the One it needed to raise it from ruin, the Peacemaker it could not itself provide because of its guilt. Because you were fruitful, Lady, the sinful world was justified, its damnation changed to salvation, its exile to restoration. Your delivery, Lady, redeemed the world from captivity, healed its sickness and brought it from death to life. Assailed by evil spirits with craft and violence, it lay wrapped in darkness; but when it received the light of the Sun that rose from your womb, it escaped their snares and could despise their power.

The sky and the stars„ the earth and its rivers, day and night, and everything else that men were meant to control and use, rejoice at the return of their former beauty—for thanks to you, Lady, they have been in a way restored to life, and a new and stranger beauty has been bestowed upon them. They all suffered a kind of death when they lost their native privilege of serving the will and convenience of the worshippers of God. That was the end they were created for, but when they were used by idolaters, who were not their destined masters, they were wrested away from it and defiled. Subject once more to men who acknowledge God, they have recovered their value through the use they are put to; they can rejoice in life anew. And there was further beauty, priceless beauty, to gladden them when God himself, the God who had created them, the God they knew was over them invisibly ruling them, was seen among them, visible, using them and making them holy. Such were the great blessings that came to the world through blessed Mary and the blessed Fruit of her womb.

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