Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday: Weeks I & III: Vespers: St. Gregory the Great?

Walpole: Appointed for Vespers on Tuesday, based on Gen. i:1 1-13, the third day of the creation:

Genesis 1:6-8:
dixit quoque Deus fiat firmamentum in medio aquarum et dividat aquas ab aquis
et fecit Deus firmamentum divisitque aquas quae erant sub firmamento ab his quae erant super firmamentum et factum est ita
vocavitque Deus firmamentum caelum et factum est vespere et mane dies secundus

Tellúris ingens cónditor,

mundi solum qui éruens,
pulsis aquæ moléstiis,
terram dedísti immóbilem, (1)

Ut germen aptum próferens,
fulvis decóra flóribus, (2)
fecúnda fructu sísteret
pastúmque gratum rédderet: (3)

Mentis perústæ vúlnera
munda viróre grátiæ,
ut facta fletu díluat
motúsque pravos átterat,

Iussis tuis obtémperet,
nullis malis appróximet,
bonis repléri gáudeat
et mortis actum nésciat. (4)

1) Walpole: 'didst banish the troublesome waters and set the earth that it should not be moved; 2) fulvis 'bright'; 3) sisteret 'present itself'; 3. pastum 'food' usually for cattle; 4. mortis actum 'the action
of eternal death'.

O mighty creator of the earth, rescuing the soil of the world by  driving back the danger of the waters, you made the land secure. That bearing the appropriate seed, with beautiful bright flowers, it might be fertile with fruit, and render pleasing food. Cleanse the wounds of our dried out minds with the vigor of grace that it may purge our deeds with weeping and put a stop to disordered habits. At your command may our minds obey, draw near to no evil, rejoice to be filled with good, and know no eternal death.

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