Wednesday, January 31, 2018


The correction to the 3rd stanza in the hymn for Lauds is highlighted.

Ad Officium lectionis & Ad Vesperas: Paulinus II aquileiensis?

Quod chorus vatum venerándus olim
Spíritu Sancto cécinit replétus,
in Dei factum genetríce constat
  esse María.

Hæc Deum cæli Dominúmque terræ
virgo concépit peperítque virgo,
atque post partum méruit manére

Quem senex iustus Símeon in ulnis
in domo sumpsit Dómini, gavísus
ob quod optátum próprio vidéret
  lúmine Christum.

Tu libens votis, pétimus, precántum,
regis ætérni génetrix, favéto,
clara quæ fundis Géniti benígni
  múnera lucis.

Christe, qui lumen Patris es supérni,
qui Patris nobis réseras profúnda,
nos fac ætérnæ tibi ferre laudes
  lucis in aula. Amen.

What once the worshipful choir of the prophets sang filled with the Holy Spirit, is accomplished in Mary the Mother of God. A Virgin conceived and a Virgin gave birth to the God of heaven and the Lord of earth and she was deemed worthy to remain inviolate after birth.  The righteous old man, Simeon, took the Child into his arms and entered the Lord’s house, joyously he saw with his own eyes the Christ he had desired to see. We ask you, O Mother of the eternal King, honor our petitions, you who pour out the shining gifts of your kind Son. O Christ, who are the light of your heavenly Father, who open to us the depths of the Father, grant that we may offer you endless praise in the courts of light. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: Petrus Abelardus

Adórna, Sion, thálamum,
quæ præstoláris Dóminum;
sponsum et sponsam súscipe
vigil fídei lúmine.

Beáte senex, própera,
promíssa comple gáudia
et revelándum géntibus
revéla lumen ómnibus.

Paréntes Christum déferunt,
in templo templum ófferunt;
legi parére vóluit
qui legi nihil débuit.

Offer, beáta, párvulum,
tuum et Patris únicum;
offer per quem offérimur,
prétium quo redímimur.

Procéde, virgo régia,
profer Natum cum hóstia;
monet omnes ad gáudium
qui venit salus ómnium.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui te revélas géntibus,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

Adorn, O Sion, the wedding chamber, you who await the Lord: receive the groom and the bride, watch by the lamp of faith. Blessed elder, make haste, fulfill the joy promised you, reveal the light to enlighten all the gentiles.  The parents brought  Christ the temple to offer him in the temple; he,  who has no debt to the law, desires to obey the law. Offer, O blessed Lady, your Child and the father’s Only-begotten; offer him though whom we are offered the price which redeems us. Ride on, O royal Virgin, offer your Son with the required sacrifice; He, who comes as the salvation of all, admonishes all men to rejoice. O Jesus, to you be glory, you who revealed yourself to the Gentiles, with the Father and loving Spirit for eternal ages. Amen

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Vespers: Thursday: weeks II & IV

Vespers: Hélisachar:  7th-8th Centuries

Deus, qui claro lúmine
diem fecísti, Dómine,
tuam rogámus glóriam (1)
dum pronus dies vólvitur. (2)

Iam sol urgénte véspero (3)
occásum suum gráditur,
mundum conclúdens ténebris,
suum obsérvans órdinem.

Tu vero, excélse Dómine,
precántes tuos fámulos (4)
diúrno lassos ópere
ne sinas umbris ópprimi,

Ut non fuscátis méntibus (5)
dies abscédat sǽculi,
sed tua tecti grátia (6)
cernámus lucem prósperam.

A S Walpole notes:

1.       ‘we pray to thy glory’ 
2.      pronus ‘on its downward course’
3.      vespero = Vesperus = Hesperius = the evening star
4.      ‘and thou, O most high Lord, may the night welcome into its quietthy servants who wearied with the day’s toil now pray’
5.      ‘that this day  (the natural day almost gone)  may not depart leaving our souls darkened but that we shielded by thy grace may see a happy morrow’
6.      tecti = covered as with a shield’

God, who made the day bright with light, O Lord, we pray to your glory as the fall of day comes round.  Now the sun pressed by the evening steps to its setting, observing its order covers the world with darkness.  To you truly, most high Lord, we pray that you not permit your servants weary from daily work to be oppressed by the darkness. That this past day not leave our minds darkened but rather protected by your grace we may see happy light.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wednesday: Weeks II & IV: Spe nos fidéque dívites/ For St. Anthony

Lauds: 5th-6th Centuries

Appointed by Caesarius for Prime but later at Matins on Wednesday.

Fulgéntis auctor ǽtheris,
qui lunam lumen nóctibus,
solem diérum cúrsibus
certo fundásti trámite,

Nox atra iam depéllitur,
mundi nitor renáscitur,
novúsque iam mentis vigor
dulces in actus érigit.

Laudes sonáre iam tuas
dies relátus ádmonet,
vultúsque cæli blándior
nostra serénat péctora.

Vitémus omne lúbricum,
declínet prava spíritus,
vitam facta non ínquinent,
linguam culpa non ímplicet;

Sed, sol diem dum cónficit,
fides profúnda férveat,
spes ad promíssa próvocet,
Christo coniúngat caritas

Author of the glittering sky, you established in a secure orbit the moon as light for night, the sun for the course of day. Dark night now is driven away, the brightness of the world is reborn, now new strength of mind directs us in pleasing deeds. Day returned admonishes us to sing your praises and the countenance of the more pleasant sky brightens our hearts. Let us shun all deceit, the spirit decline crooked things, our actions not indict our life, faults not entangle the tongue. But, while the sun makes the day, may deep faith burn, hope call us to the divine promises, love join us to Christ. 

When the Office of Readings is said in the daytime: 10th Century

Christe, lux vera, bónitas et vita,
gáudium mundi, píetas imménsa,
qui nos a morte vívido salvásti
sánguine tuo,

Insere tuum, pétimus, amórem
méntibus nostris, fídei refúnde
lumen ætérnum, caritátis auge

Procul a nobis pérfidus absístat
Satan, a tuis víribus confráctus;
Sanctus assístat Spíritus, a tua
sede demíssus. Amen

O Christ, the true light, goodness and life, the joy of the world, immense love, who saves us from living death by your blood. Put love in our souls, pour out the eternal light of faith, increase our love of charity. May envious Satan, broken by your strength,  be far from us; May the Holy Spirit, sent down from your throne, come to our aid. Amen.

Vespers:  novus

Sol, ecce, lentus óccidens
montes et arva et ǽquora
mæstus relínquit, ínnovat
sed lucis omen crástinæ,

Mirántibus mortálibus
sic te, Creátor próvide,
leges vicésque témporum
umbris dedísse et lúmini.

Ac dum, ténebris ǽthera
siléntio preméntibus,
vigor labórum déficit,
quies cupíta quǽritur,

Spe nos fidéque dívites
tui beámur lúmine
Verbi, quod est a sǽculis
splendor patérnæ glóriæ.

Est ille sol qui nésciat
ortum vel umquam vésperum;
quo terra gestit cóntegi,
quo cæli in ævum iúbilant.

Hac nos seréna pérpetim
da luce tandem pérfrui,
cum Nato et almo Spíritu
tibi novántes cántica. Amen.

Behold the sun slowly setting, now sadly abandons mountains, fields and streams but makes anew a sign of tomorrow’s light. To astonished mortals, you, the Creator providentially give the rules and changes of time, shadows and light. And while, the darkness remains in the silent sky, strength for work declines, quiet is desired and sought. May we be blessed by the light of your Word, made rich with hope and faith, the eternal brightness of the Father’s glory. This is the Sun, which knows no setting, no evening, by which the earth hastens to be covered, by which the heavens rejoice forever. By this peaceful light grant that at last we may enjoy singing to you a new hymn. with the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Common of Religious

Ad Officium lectionis & ad Vesperas: novus

Læti coléntes fámulum
qui te perfécte cóluit,
tibi gratánter, Dómine,
amóris hymnum prómimus.

Christi fidélis assecla,
ultro relíquit gáudia
cuncta quæ mundus éxhibet
fugáces atque cópias.

Tibi se vovit súbditum
humilitáte obœdiens,
Christi, carnis mundítie,
sponsi æmulátor vírginum.

Tibi placére géstiit
tibíque adhæsit únice,
mentem, verba vel ópera
amóris fovens ígnibus.

His caritátis vínculis
in terris tibi déditus,
liber ad astra iúgiter
triumphatúrus pródiit.

Eius exémplis éxcitos
da gradi nos alácriter,
ut te cum Nato et Spíritu
laudémus hymnis cælicis. Amen.

Joyfully we honor your servant, who honored you perfectly, O Lord, to you we gratefully offer a hymn of love. A faithful follower of Christ,  he freely renounced all joys which the world can give and its fleeting wealth. He vowed submission to you, humbly obedient, in chastity of flesh he imitated Christ the spouse of virgins. Eager to please you, he clung to you only, fostering mind, words and deeds with the fire of love. Through these bonds of love he dedicated himself to you on earth,  unencumbered he went on perpetually to triumph among the stars. Grant that we, aroused by his example might step forward quickly that we may with heavenly hymns praise you with the Son and Spirit. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: novus

O redemptóris píetas colénda,
quæ Patri exóptans hómines dicári,
Spíritus miro varióque ducis
  péctora nutu!

Quos tua lympha facis esse natos
ex Deo vero, nova vis in illis
grátiam crebro dare caritátis
  gérmina, Christe.

Tu vocas: currunt álacres vocáti,
ábdicant cunctis, duce te voléntes,
calle regáli crucis, usque solum
  quærere Patrem.

Cælitus fervens ita sanctus iste
víribus totis tibi amánter hæsit,
atque virtútum cúpiit tenére
  cúlmina læta.

Laus Patri summo, tibi, Christe princeps,
Flámini Sancto párilis resúltet,
parva qui danti, bona corde magno
  céntupla fertis. Amen.

O worthy love of the Redeemer, which desires that men be called to the Father, you lead them in the wondrous and varied ways of the Spirit, by beckoning the heart.  Those whom you have made sons of the true God by your baptismal waters, you often wish to give grace by new seeds of love, O Christ. You call and those called run quickly,  leaving everything behind, taking you as their leader, on the royal road of the cross, to seek the Father alone. On fire for heaven, so this saint lovingly adhered to you with all his might and desired to grasp the happy pinnacle of the virtues. May praise resound to the highest Father and to you, O princely Christ,  equally to the fiery Spirit, who grants to the poor of a pure heart to bring forth goods a hundredfold. Amen.

Tuesday: Weeks II & IV: Ira ne rixas próvocet

Lauds: 6th -7th Centuries

Ætérne lucis cónditor,
lux ipse totus et dies,
noctem nec ullam séntiens
natúra lucis pérpeti,

Iam cedit pallens próximo
diéi nox advéntui,
obtúndens lumen síderum
adest et clarus lúcifer.

Iam stratis læti súrgimus
grates canéntes et tuas,
quod cæcam noctem vícerit
revéctans rursus sol diem.

Te nunc, ne carnis gáudia
blandis subrépant ǽstibus,
dolis ne cedat sǽculi
mens nostra, sancte, quǽsumus.

Ira ne rixas próvocet,
gulam ne venter íncitet,
opum pervértat ne famis,
turpis ne luxus óccupet,

Sed firma mente sóbrii,
casto manéntes córpore
totum fidéli spíritu
Christo ducámus hunc diem.

Eternal Creator of light, light itself and wholly day, you know nothing of night, by virtue of being perpetual light. Now pale night surrenders to coming day, the bright morning star is here and dulls the light of the stars. Now we rise joyfully from our beds and sing our thanks to you, for the sun returns again the day, which conquers blind night. Now we pray you, O holy One, that joys of the flesh not subvert us with worldly flattery and our minds not fall to secular deceits. That anger not provoke strife, that the stomach not incite the throat lest hunger pervert our work and base wealth consume us. But sober and with firm intent, our bodies chaste, let us pass this whole day faithful to the spirit of Christ.

When the Office of Readings is said in the daytime: 10th Century

Ad preces nostras deitátis aures,
Deus, inclína pietáte sola;
súpplicum vota súscipe, precámur
fámuli tui.

Réspice clemens sólio de sancto
vultu seréno, lámpadas illústra
ólei nostri, ténebras depélle
péctore cunctas.

Crímina laxa pietáte multa,
áblue sordes, víncula disrúmpe,
parce peccátis, réleva iacéntes
déxtera tua.

By your singular love. O God, incline your ears to our prayers; we ask you to receive the humble petitions of thy Servants. Mercifully look down from your heavenly throne with a peaceful countenance: light our lamps with oil and drive away darkness from all hearts. Of your love loosen us from our many sins, wash our uncleanness, break our chains, spare sinners, and lift up with your right hand the fallen.

Vespers: 7th – 8th Centuries

Sator princépsque témporum,
clarum diem labóribus
noctémque qui sopóribus
fixo distínguis órdine,

Mentem tu castam dírige,
obscúra ne siléntia
ad dira cordis vúlnera
telis patéscant ínvidi.

Vacent ardóre péctora,
faces nec ullas pérferant,
quæ nostro hæréntes sénsui
mentis vigórem sáucient.

O Sower and Ruler of time, in an established order, you designate the bright day for work and the night for sleep. Direct the chaste mind that the silent darkness not open harsh wounds of the heart to the attacks of the Invidious One. May hearts be free from the passions that they may not have to endure any dangerous heat, which clinging to our senses wound strength of mind.