Sunday, June 27, 2021

St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr: collect


St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr: collect


Deus, qui beáto Irenǽo, epíscopo, tribuísti, ut veritátem doctrínæ pacémque Ecclésiæ felíciter confirmáret, concéde, quǽsumus, eius intercessióne, ut nos, fide et caritáte renováti, ad unitátem concordiámque fovéndam semper simus inténti.

O God, who caused the blessed bishop Irenaeus faithfully to confirm the true teaching and peace of the Church, grant we beseech you that by his intercession we being renewed in faith and love may also be ever intent on fostering unity and concord.


Roman Breviary

Deus, qui beáto Irenǽo Mártyri tuo atque Pontífici tribuísti, ut et veritáte doctrínæ expugnáret hǽreses, et pacem Ecclésiæ felíciter confirmáret: da, quǽsumus, plebi tuæ in sancta religióne constántiam; et pacem tuam nostris concéde tempóribus.

O God, who enabled blessed Irenaeus thy Martyr, and Bishop, to overcome heresy by the truth of his teaching, and happily to establish peace in the Church, give to thy people, we pray, steadfastness in holy religion, and grant us thy peace in our days.

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