Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Immaculate Heart of Mary from the Office of Our Lady 1962



Matins/Office of Readings/Vespers


Jesu, Mariæ gloria,

Cordis præclåra Virginis

 Cor intonat præc6nia,

Nostris adésto cånticis.


Ave, Cor admiråbile,

Incomprehénsa continens,

Vas ångelis spectåbile,

Cæléste manna pröferens.


Pars nostra, spes et gåudium,

Cctåsque,nostri glöria,

Amor perénnis, omnium

Jungat tibi præcördia.


Redémpta Christi gråtia,

Fac corda Christo vivere,

Calcåre mundi sömnia,

Se tota Jesu trådere.


Glöria tibi, Dömine,

Qui natus es de Virgine,

Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu,

In sempitérna sécula. Amen.




On Jesu, Mary's diadem,

Assist us now harmoniously

To offer homage to a Heart

Maternal yet Immaculate.


Hail to thee, Heart most wonderful,

Thou vessel of the Infinite,

Angel-revered receptacle

Replete with Manna from the sky.


Our hope, our joy, our heritage,

Our boast and point of pilgrimage:

May love undying, everything

Bind our hearts ever to thy Heart.


Redeemed by generosity

Of Christ, to Christ revivify

Our hearts; from earthly vanities

Yield them to Jesus utterly.


O saving Lord, be glorified,

Thou offspring of virginity,

With Father and with Holy Ghost

Reigning to all eternity. Amen.





Quid Corde Matris Virginis

Coli postest sacratius?

Cordi suprémi Numinis

Quid Corde tanto  gratius.


Amoris est miråculum,

Triümphus almi Spiritus ;

Dignum Deo spectåculum,

Jucünda spes mortålibus.


Nos ergo sanctæ Virginis,

Cordisque tam miråbilis

Colåmus omnes régia

Flexo genu magnålia.


Gloria tibi, Domine,

Qui natus es de Virgine,

Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu,

In sempitérna sécula. Amen.


The Mother-Maiden’s sinless heart,

What holier can we revere?

What heart is there surpassing hers,

To God’s own peerless heart most dear.


It is a miracle of love,

The triumph Of the Holy Ghost,

A sight to please the eyes of God,

Sweet hope to man's death-shadowed host.


Then let us to this holy Maid

Do reverence on bended knee,

Praising the deeds of royal might

Her heart has wrought so wondrously.


O Lord, to thee be glory given,

Whom once the Virgin-Mother bore;

To Father with the Holy Ghost

Be glory now and evermore. Amen.







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