Monday, July 18, 2022




Ad Officium lectionis & ad Vesperas: saec. XVII?


Dum tuas festo, pater o colénde,

cántico laudes habet hæc coróna,

vocis ac mentis, Ióachim, benígne

  áccipe munus.


Longa te regum séries avórum

Abrahæ prolem tulit atque David;

clárior mundi dómina corúscas

  prole María.


Sic tuum germen benedícta ab Anna

éditum, patrum repetíta vota

implet, et mæsto próperat reférre

  gáudia mundo.


Laus tibi, Prolis Pater increátæ;

laus tibi, summi Súboles Paréntis;

summa laus, compar, tibi sit per omne,

  Spíritus, ævum. Amen.


O venerable father, Joachim, as this crown offers you praise with a festal hymn, kindly receive the gift of voice and mind. The long succession of kings, your ancestors, made you offspring of Abraham and David; you shine brighter because of your child, Mary, Lady of the whole world. Thus, your offspring issuing forth from blessed Anne fulfills the endless prayers of your fathers and hastens to turn the sorrow of the world into gladness. Praise to you, O Father of the uncreated Son, praise to you, O Progeny of the highest Father, highest and equal praise, O Spirit, be to you through all ages. Amen.


Ad Laudes matutinas: saec. XV


Nocti succédit lúcifer,

quem mox auróra séquitur,

solis ortum prænúntians

mundum lustrántis lúmine.


Christus sol est iustítiæ,

auróra Mater grátiæ,

quam, Anna, præis rútilans

legis propéllens ténebras.


Anna, radix ubérrima,

arbor tu salutífera,

virgam prodúcens flóridam

quæ Christum nobis áttulit.


O matris Christi génetrix

tuque parens sanctíssime,

natæ favénte mérito,

nobis rogáte véniam.


The morning star succeeds to night, the dawn soon follows, announcing the rising of the sun, which illuminates the world with light. Christ is the Sun of justice, his Mother the dawn of grace, whom resplendent Anne precedes, driving away the darkness of the old law.  O Anne, the most fruitful root, you, the saving tree, producing that flowering branch, which Christ brings to us. O Mother of the Mother of Christ, and you, Joachim, her most holy parent, by the merits of your daughter, ask for us pardon.

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