Saturday, September 28, 2024

Our Lady Help of Christians


This hymn was used for Lauds on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians in appendices to the Roman Breviary of the 19th Century in certain regions.


Te Redemptoris, Dominique nostri

Dicimus Matrem, speciosa Virgo,

Christianorum decus, et levamen –

Rebus in arctis.


Sæviant portæ licet inferorum,

Hostis antiquus fremat, et minaces

Ut Deo, sacrum populetur agmen,

Suscitet iras.


Nil truces possunt furiæ nocere

Mentibus castis, prece quas vocata

Annuens Virgo fovet, et superno

Robore firmat.


Tanta si nobis faveat Patrona,

Bellici cessat sceleris tumultus,

Mille sternuntur, fugiuntve turmæ,

Mille cohortes.


Tollit ut sancta caput in Sione

Turris, arx firmo fabricata muro,

Civitas David, clypeis, et acri

Milite tuta.


Virgo sic fortis Domini potenti

Dextera, cæli cumulata donis,

A piis longe famulis repellit

Dæmonis ictus.


Te per æternos veneremur annos

Trinitas, summo celebranda plausu,

Te fide mentes, resonoque linguæ

Carmine laudent. Amen.




Mother of our Lord and Saviour!
First in beauty as in power!
Glory of the Christian nations!
Ready help in trouble’s hour!

Though the gates of Hell against us
With profoundest fury rage;
Though the ancient Foe assault us,
And his fiercest battle wage;

Nought can hurt the pure in spirit,
Who upon thine aid rely;
At thy hand secure of gaining
Strength and mercy from on high.

Safe beneath thy mighty shelter,-
Though a thousand hosts combine,
All must fall or flee before us,
Scatter’d by an arm divine.

Firm as once on holy Sion,
David’s tower rear’d its height;
With a glorious rampart girded,
And with glistening armour bright:

So th’ Almighty’s Virgin Mother
Stands in strength for evermore;
From Satanic hosts defending
All who her defence implore.

Through the everlasting ages,
Blessed Trinity to Thee!
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Praise and endless glory be. Amen.


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