Thursday, November 1, 2018


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Office of Readings: Novus

Qui vivis ante sæcula
vitæque fons es únicus,
nos, Deus, morti obnóxios
culpæque reos áspice.

Peccánti, Pater, hómini
pœnam sanxísti intéritum,
ut, pulvis datus púlveri,
se súbderet piáculum.

Vitále sed spiráculum
quod indidísti próvidus,
æternitátis pérmanet
germen immarcescíbile.

Hæc spes, hoc est solácium:
revirescémus, Dómine,
primúsque resurgéntium
ad te nos Christus rápiet.

Pro pluribus:

Hoc vitæ regno pérfrui
da fratres in te mórtuos,
quos Christi fides ímbuit,
quos almus unxit Spíritus.

Pro uno:

Hoc vitæ regno pérfrui
defúnctam præsta fámulam,
quam Christi fides ímbuit,
quam almus unxit Spíritus.

Hoc regnum nobis própera
e terris cum cessérimus,
ut concinámus ómnium
te finem, te princípium. Amen.

O God, you exist before the ages, the only source of life: behold us guilty and subject to the death of sin. O Father, you sentenced sinful man to the penalty of death that dust returned to dust might atone for crime.  But the living breath which you providentially bestowed upon man abides permanently as an incorruptible seed.  This is our hope; this is our consolation that we will be raised and Christ the Lord, the first born of those who rise, will seize us and take us to you.  (For several departed): Grant that our departed brothers, whom faith in Christ filled and the Holy Spirit anointed, may enjoy this kingdom of life. (For one departed):  Grant that our departed brother, whom faith in Christ filled and the Holy Spirit anointed, may enjoy this kingdom of life. When we pass away from earth grant us this kingdom that we may sing to you, the end and  beginning of all things. Amen.

 At Lauds: Novus

Spes, Christe, nostræ véniæ,
tu vita, resurréctio;
ad te sunt corda et óculi
cum mortis dolor íngruit.

Tu quoque mortis tædia
passus dirósque stímulos,
Patri, inclináto cápite,
mitis dedísti spíritum.

Vere nostros excípiens
languóres, pastor míserens,
tecum donásti cómpati
Patrísque in sinu cómmori.

Apértis pendens brácchiis,
in cor transfíxum pértrahis
quos moritúros ággravat
morbus vel mæror ánxius

Qui portis fractis ínferi
victor pandísti cælicas,
nos nunc doléntes érige,
post óbitum vivífica.

Sed et qui frater córpore
nunc dormit pacis réquie,
iam te beánte vígilet
tibíque laudes réferat. Amen.

Sed et qui fratres córpore
nunc somno pacis dórmiunt,
iam te beánte vígilent
tibíque laudes réferant. Amen.

O Christ, the hope of our pardon, the life and resurrection, hearts and eyes are set upon you, when the sorrow of death finds us. You also suffered the grief, the harsh pangs of death, when with bowed head you gently commended your spirit to the Father.  Truly you took our sorrows, merciful Shepherd, and granted that we might share with you the comfort of the Father’s bosom. With open and outstretched arms you take to your wounded heart those weighted down by death, the sick and those anxious with sorrow.  You, the Conqueror, when the gates of hell were broken, opened heaven; now raise up the sorrowful and give us life after death. (for one departed): Also may the brother, who now bodily sleeps in the rest of peace, watch for the blessed vision of you and offer you praise. Amen. (for several departed): Also may the brothers, who now bodily sleep in the rest of peace, watch for the blessed vision of you and offer you praise. Amen.

At Terce, Sext, None: Novus

Qui lacrimátus Lázarum
geménsque cum soróribus,
ipsum fecísti præpotens
illárum reddi stúdiis:

Qui petivísti sóntibus
benígnus indulgéntiam,
ac verba miserántia
dixísti pœnæ sócio:

Qui, móriens, discípulo
matrem donásti Vírginem,
tuórum quæ fidélium
agóni adésset último:

Da nobis, Christe Dómine,
tuo redémptis sánguine,
duræ mortis tristítiam
in vitæ verti gáudium.

Tuósque voca fámulos,
ex hoc proféctos sæculo,
ut ubi mors iam déerit
te vitæ canant príncipem. Amen.

You, who wept for Lazarus and mourned with his sisters, powerfully returned him to his eager sisters. You who mercifully sought forgiveness for the guilty and spoke merciful words to the one who shared your punishment:  As you were dying you gave the Virgin Mother to the disciple, she who comes to the aid of your faithful in their final agony: Grant to us, redeemed by your blood, Lord Christ, sadness in the bitterness of death, turned to  happiness in life. Call your departed servants from this world that when death takes them they may sing to you, the Ruler of Life. Amen.


Imménsæ rex poténtiæ,
Christe, tu Patris glóriam
nostrúmque decus móliens,
mortis fregísti iácula.

Infírma nostra súbiens
magnúmque petens prœlium,
mortem qua serpens vícerat,
victor calcásti móriens.

Surgens fortis e túmulo,
pascháli nos mystério
peccáto rursus mórtuos
ad vitam semper ínnovas.

Vitam largíre grátiæ,
ut, sponsus cum redíeris,
ornáta nos cum lámpade
iam promptos cælo invénias.

In lucem nos et réquiem
serénus iudex áccipe,
quos fides sanctæ Tríadi
devínxit atque cáritas.

Pro uno:

Tuúmque voca fámulum,
qui nunc exútus córpore
in regna Patris ínhiat,
ut te colláudet pérpetim. Amen.

Pro pluribus:

Fratres et omnes ádvoca,
qui nunc exúti córpore
in regna Patris ínhiant,
ut te colláudent pérpetim. Amen.

O King of great power, Christ, fighting for the glory of the Father and our own honor, you broke the darts of death.  Submitting to our weakness and searching out the great battle, you, a dying conqueror, crushed the death that the serpent had won. Rising valiantly from the tomb by the paschal mystery you restored us to eternal life, who are dead through sin. Increase the life of grace that when you, the bridegroom, return, you will find us with lighted lamps ready for heaven. Peaceful Judge, receive us in light and rest, we, whom the faith and love of the Trinity have conquered.  (Pro uno:) Call thy servant, now delivered from the body who longs for the kingdom of the Father that he might praise you forever. (Pro pluribus:) Call all our brothers, now delivered from the body who long for the kingdom of the Father that they might praise you forever. Amen.

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