Saturday, November 24, 2018


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At I & II Vespers: Victorius Genovesi

[The first] stanza lauds a fourfold kingship in Christ. (a) The kingship of time (sæculorum). "To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever" (l Tim. l: 17). (b) The kingship of nations (gentium). "Who shall not fear Thee, O King of nations?" (Jer. 10:7.) (c) The kingship of human souls, wills (mentium). "Shall not my soul be subject to God? For from Him is my salvation" (Ps. 61:2). (d) The kingship of human hearts (cordium). "For Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion forever" (Ps. 72:26). "There never was, nor ever will be, a man loved so much and so universally as Jesus Christ" (Encyclical Quas Primas) Aquinas Byrnes OP.

Te sæculórum príncipem,
te, Christe, regem géntium,
te méntium, te córdium
unum fatémur árbitrum.

Quem prona adórant ágmina
hymnísque laudant cælitum,
te nos ovántes ómnium
regem suprémum dícimus.

O Christe, princeps pácifer,
mentes rebélles súbice,
tuóque amóre dévios
ovíle in unum cóngrega.

Ad hoc cruénta ab árbore
pendes apértis brácchiis,
diráque fossum cúspide
cor igne flagrans éxhibes.

Ad hoc in aris ábderis
vini dapísque imágine,
fundens salútem fíliis
transverberáto péctore.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui cuncta amóre témperas,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

We acknowledge you, O Christ, Ruler of the ages, King of the nations, only Judge of minds and hearts. You before whom the hosts of heaven fall down, worship and laud with hymns, while we salute you as supreme King of all. O Christ, Prince of peace, you make subject rebellious minds and by your love gather to one fold those who wandered away. For this with open arms you hung upon the bloody tree and revealed a heart burning with love and pierced with the harsh spear. For this you hide on altars under the form of wine and food, pouring out from your pierced side salvation for your sons. O Jesus, to you be glory, who moderates all things in your love, with the Father and nourishing Spirit, through all ages. Amen.

At the Office of Readings: 12th – 13th Centuries

Iesu, rex admirábilis,
et triumphátor nóbilis,
dulcédo ineffábilis,
totus desiderábilis:

Rex virtútum, rex glóriæ,
rex insígnis victóriæ,
Iesu, largítor grátiæ,
honor cæléstis cúriæ:

Te cæli chorus prædicat
et tuas laudes réplicat.
Iesus orbem lætíficat
et nos Deo pacíficat.

Iesus in pace ímperat,
quæ omnem sensum súperat,
hanc semper mens desíderat
et illo frui próperat.

Iam prosequámur láudibus
Iesum, hymnis et précibus,
ut nos donet cæléstibus
cum ipso frui sédibus.

Iesu, flos matris vírginis,
amor nostræ dulcédinis,
laus tibi sine términis,
regnum beatitúdinis. Amen.

O Jesus, wondrous King and noble victor, ineffable sweetness, all that can be desired.  King of hosts, King of glory,  King of great victory, Giver of grace, Jesus, the pride of the heavenly courts. The choir of heaven proclaims you and repeats your praises. Jesus makes glad the world and reconciles us to God. Jesus reigns in the peace, which passes all understanding; this the mind desires and longs to enjoy. Let us follow Jesus with praise, hymns and prayers that he may grant us to enjoy with him the heavenly habitations. O Jesus, Flower of the Virgin Mother, the sweetness of our love, praise be to you without end in the kingdom of the blessed.  Amen.

At Lauds: Victorius Genovesi 1967

Ætérna imágo Altíssimi,
Lumen, Deus, de Lúmine,
tibi, Redémptor, glória,
honor, potéstas régia.

Tu solus ante sæcula
spes atque centrum témporum;
tibi voléntes súbdimur,
qui iure cunctis ímperas.

Tu flos pudícæ Vírginis,
nostræ caput propáginis,
lapis cadúcus vértice
ac mole terras óccupans.

Diro tyránno súbdita,
damnáta stirps mortálium
per te refrégit víncula
sibíque cælum víndicat.

Doctor, sacérdos, légifer,
præfers notátum sánguine
in veste «Princeps príncipum
regúmque rex altíssimus».

Patri, tibi, Paráclito
sit, Christe, perpes glória,
qui nos redémptos sánguine
ad regna cæli pértrahis. Amen.

Eternal Image of the Most High, God, Light from Light, to you, O Redeemer, glory, honor, power and rule.  You alone are before the ages, the hope and very center of time; we desire to be subject to you,  who rule all things by right. You are the flower of the humble Virgin, the head of our race, the stone that fell from on high and filled the earth with your greatness.  The condemned line of mortal men, subject to a harsh tyrant, through you broke the chains and claimed heaven for themselves.  Teacher, Priest, and Lawgiver, bearing on your garment the notice written in blood: “Prince of princes, King of kings most high. To you, O Christ, to the Father and the Comforter, be endless glory, who redeemed us by your blood, and lead us to the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

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