Saturday, December 14, 2019

Advent III: Collects


Deus, qui cónspicis pópulum tuum nativitátis domínicæ festivitátem fidéliter exspectáre, præsta, quǽsumus, ut valeámus ad tantæ salútis gáudia perveníre et ea votis sollémnibus álacri semper lætítia celebráre.

O God, who see your people faithfully awaiting the Lord’s Nativity, grant us, we pray, that we may attain the joys of so great a salvation, and eagerly celebrate them always with solemnity and gladness.


Voci nostrae, quaesumus, Domine, aures tuae pietatis accommoda, et cordis nostri tenebras gratia Filii tui nos visitantis illustra.

With a merciful ear receive our voice, we beseech you, O Lord, and shine the light of your Son’s visitation upon the darkness of our hearts.


Deus, qui novam creaturam per Unigenitum tuum nos esse fecisti, in opera misericordiae tuae propitius intuere, et in adventu Filii tui ab omnibus nos maculis vetustatis emunda.

O God, who through your Only-Begotten Son have made us a new creation, look graciously upon the works of your mercy, and at your Son’s coming cleanse us from every stain of the old way of life.


Praesta, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut Filii tui ventura sollemnitas et praesentis nobis vitae remedia largiatur, et praemia aeterna concedat.

Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the coming solemnity of your Son may grant us health in our present life and eternal rewards.


Indignos, quaesumus, Domine, nos famulos tuos, quos actionis propriae culpa contristat, Unigeniti tui adventu salutari laetifica.

We your unworthy servants, do beseech you, O Lord, saddened by the guilt of our own actions, may rejoice in the saving advent of your Only-begotten Son.


Praeveniat nos, omnipotens Deus, tua gratia semper atque subsequatur, ut, qui adventum Unigeniti tui summo cordis desiderio sustinemus, et praesentis vitae subsidia et futurae pariter consequamur.

Almighty God, may your grace ever go before us and after us, that we, who await with the highest desire of the heart for the advent of your Only-begotten Son, may attain your assistance now and equally in the life to come.

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