Sunday, December 22, 2019

St. Stephen, Protomartyr

Peter got his name from a rock because by the firmness of his faith he was the first to deserve to be a foundation of the Church. Similarly, Stephen got his name from a crown because he was the first to deserve to undergo the conflict for the name of Christ, the first to merit to inaugurate martyrdom by that bloodshed so characteristic of the soldiers of Christ. Let Peter retain his longstanding headship of the Apostolic College. Let him unlock the kingdom of heaven for those who enter it, bind the guilty by his power, and mercifully absolve the repentant. But Stephen is the first of the martyrs. Let him be the leader of that purpled army, for he was an eager warrior who shed his blood for the still warm blood of his Lord.

He procured for himself a purple robe, dyed with his own blood. Therefore, later on, he rightly received a crown from his King. And this was he who at his birth got his name from a crown. Clearly, God foreknew and predestined him; now He called him as the first one to come to the glory of martyrdom.


The Office of Readings: 13th Century

Festum celébre mártyris
digne colámus Stéphani,
qui primus in certámine
palma nitet victóriæ.

Martyr fidélis, cómminus
falsis renítens téstibus,
Iesu vidébat glóriam,
stantis Patris ad déxteram.

Nunc te precámur, ínclite,
succúrre, martyr, cóncite;
nobis rogátus ímpetra
cæli ut patéscat régia.

Lotus cruóris flúmine,
splendéscis alto lúmine;
nostri memor nunc súpplica
tecum fruámur glória.

Præstet favens hæc múnera
natus Puer de Vírgine,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu
regnans per omne sæculum. Amen.

Let us celebrate worthily the solemn feast of the martyr Stephen, who was the first in the battle to glow with the palms of victory. Faithful martyr, illustrious in close combat with false witnesses, he saw the glory of Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father. Now we pray to you, O renowned martyr, come quickly to help us: that your pleading might open to us the long- sought kingdom of heaven. Washed in the stream of blood you grow bright with heavenly light; now be mindful of our petitions that we may bask in glory with you. May the Son born from the Virgin favor us and grant us these gifts, with the Father and the loving Spirit, ruling through all ages. Amen.

Lauds: 9th Century: Breviarum Gothicum

Christus est vita véniens in orbem,
qui ferens vulnus removénsque mortem,
ad Patris dextram repeténdo, regnat
  sede supérna.

Hunc sequens primus Stéphanus miníster
sortis illátæ título est decórus,
quam dedit spirans Dómini benígnus
  Spíritus illi.

Sáxeo nimbo lapidátus instat,
sústinet mortis rábiem profánam,
hóstibus quærit véniam misértus
  péctore grato.

Quæsumus flentes, benedícte prime
martyr et civis sociáte iustis:
cælitus, claræ regiónis heres,
  mitte favóres.

Glóriæ laudes Tríadi beátæ
mártyrum læti cómites canámus,
quæ dedit primas Stéphano ex agóne
  ferre corónas. Amen.

Christ is the life coming into the world, bearing his wounds and taking death away, returning to the right hand of the Father, he rules from a heavenly throne.  Stephen the first deacon, followed him, worthy of his title by virtue of his fate, which the Lord bestowed in his goodness, breathing upon him the Spirit. Stoned, struck by a shower of rocks, he endures the unholy rage of murder, with a gracious heart he mercifully seeks pardon for the crowd.  We pray with tears, O blessed Martyr and Fellow-citizen of all the just in heaven, heir of the glorious kingdom, send us help.  Praise to the glorious and blessed Trinity, we joyously sing with the martyrs, who granted Stephen in his suffering to be the first of many to bear the martyrs’ crown. Amen.

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