Office of Readings
Legis sacrátæ sanctis cæremóniis
subiéctus omnis cálamo Mosáico
dignátur esse, qui regit perfúlgidos
in arce Patris órdines angélicos,
cælúmque, terram fundávit ac mária.
Mater beáta carnis sub velámine
Deum ferébat úmeris castíssimis,
dúlcia strictis óscula sub lábiis
Deíque vero hominísque imprésserat
ori, iubénte quo sunt cuncta cóndita.
Hic lumen ardens géntium in óculis,
glória plebis Israélis gérminis;
pósitus hic est in ruínam scándali
et in salútem populórum ómnium,
donec secréta reveléntur córdium.
Glória Patri per imménsa sæcula,
sit tibi, Nate, decus et impérium,
honor, potéstas Sanctóque Spirítui:
sit Trinitáti salus indivídua
for infiníta sæculórum sæcula. Amen.
He who rules the brightly shining order of angels in the arc of the Father, and who created heaven, the earth and the sea, humbled himself completely to the rod of the mosaic law in in holy ceremonies. The blessed Mother bore in her most chaste arms God under the veil of flesh, with closed lips she presses sweet kisses on the mouth of the true God and man. This is the burning light shining upon the Gentiles, the glory of the people of the seed of Israel. This was for the ruin of scandal and for the salvation of all peoples, until the secrets of hearts are revealed. Glory be to the Father through endless ages, to you, O Son, glory and empire, honor, power, also to the Holy Spirit; undivided salutation to the Trinity, through endless ages. Amen.
Office of Readings: 13-14th Century:
Another Hymn for Office of Readings
Salve, mater misericórdiæ,
mater spei et mater véniæ,
mater Dei et mater grátiæ,
mater plena sanctæ lætítiæ.
(O María.)
Vallis vernans virtútum líliis,
tota fluens summis delíciis,
mater sancta, tuis suffrágiis
condescénde nostris misériis.
(O María.)
Te creávit Pater ingénitus,
obumbrávit te Unigénitus,
fecundávit te Sanctus Spíritus:
ipsis honor ex corde pénitus.
(O María.) Amen.
Hail, Mother of mercy, Mother of hope, Mother of pardon, Mother of God, Mother of grace, Mother filled with holy joy, O Mary. Abounding with the virtues in the valley of the lilies, overflowing with the highest delights, Holy Mother, with your prayers, condescend to hear our misery. (O Mary) The unbegotten Father created you, the Only-begotten overshadowed you, the Holy Spirit made you fruitful: honor from the inner heart to the Trinity. (O Mary)
At Lauds: 12th – 13th Centuries
María, virgo régia,
sponsa regis et fília,
te Dei sapiéntia
elégit ante sæcula.
Puélla carens mácula,
Dei domus ebúrnea,
te dedicávit cælitus
missus ab eo Spíritus.
Caritátis signáculum,
totíus boni spéculum,
auróra veri lúminis,
arca divíni séminis,
In domo summi príncipis
tu áffluis delíciis;
virga Iesse florígera,
repléris Dei grátia.
O margaríta cándida
et stella mundi spléndida,
fac puris esse móribus
nos vera templa Spíritus.
Sit Trinitáti glória,
o Virgo nobilíssima,
quæ te suórum múnerum
thesáurum dat magníficum. Amen.
Mary, royal Virgin, spouse and daughter of the King, the wisdom of God chose you before the ages. A young girl without spot. the ivory house of God, the Holy Spirit sent from above set you apart. Sign of love, Mirror of every good, dawn of the true Light, Ark of the divine seed. In the house of the highest Ruler you overflow with delights, the flourishing rod of Jesse, you are filled with the grace of God. O shining Pear, radiant Star of the world, grant that by living purely we may become temples of the Spirit. To the Trinity glory, O Virgin most noble, who gave you such a great treasury of gifts. Amen
Vespers: from the Common of the BVM
Ave, maris stella,
Dei mater alma,
atque semper virgo,
felix cæli porta.
Sumens illud «Ave»
Gabriélis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Evæ nomen.
Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen cæcis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.
Monstra te esse matrem,
sumat per te precem
qui pro nobis natus
tulit esse tuus.
Virgo singuláris,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solútos
mites fac et castos.
Vitam præsta puram,
iter para tutum,
ut vidéntes Iesum
semper collætémur.
Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus,
Spirítui Sancto
honor, tribus unus. Amen.
Hail, Star of the Sea, loving Mother of God and ever virgin, fair gate of heaven. You who received the “Ave’ from the mouth of Gabriel, establish us in peace, reversing the name of “Eva”. Break the chains of sin, give light to the blind, drive away our evil, ask for us all that is good. Show yourself a mother, may he who was born for us and humbled himself to be your Son, receive our prayer through you. Virgin alone, meek beyond all others, cause our sins to be absolved, make us meek and chaste. Make our life unsullied, our journey safe, that we may see Jesus and with you praise him forever. Amen.
Office of Readings
Legis sacrátæ sanctis cæremóniis
subiéctus omnis cálamo Mosáico
dignátur esse, qui regit perfúlgidos
in arce Patris órdines angélicos,
cælúmque, terram fundávit ac mária.
Mater beáta carnis sub velámine
Deum ferébat úmeris castíssimis,
dúlcia strictis óscula sub lábiis
Deíque vero hominísque imprésserat
ori, iubénte quo sunt cuncta cóndita.
Hic lumen ardens géntium in óculis,
glória plebis Israélis gérminis;
pósitus hic est in ruínam scándali
et in salútem populórum ómnium,
donec secréta reveléntur córdium.
Glória Patri per imménsa sæcula,
sit tibi, Nate, decus et impérium,
honor, potéstas Sanctóque Spirítui:
sit Trinitáti salus indivídua
for infiníta sæculórum sæcula. Amen.
He who rules the brightly shining order of angels in
the arc of the Father, and who created heaven, the earth and the sea, humbled
himself completely to the rod of the mosaic law in in holy ceremonies. The blessed Mother bore in her most chaste
arms God under the veil of flesh, with closed lips she presses sweet kisses on
the mouth of the true God and man. This is the burning light shining upon the
Gentiles, the glory of the people of the seed of Israel. This was for the ruin
of scandal and for the salvation of all peoples, until the secrets of hearts
are revealed. Glory be to the Father through endless ages, to you, O Son, glory
and empire, honor, power, also to the Holy Spirit; undivided salutation to the
Trinity, through endless ages. Amen.
Office of Readings: 13-14th
Hymn for Office of Readings
mater misericórdiæ,
spei et mater véniæ,
Dei et mater grátiæ,
plena sanctæ lætítiæ.
(O María.)
vernans virtútum líliis,
fluens summis delíciis,
sancta, tuis suffrágiis
nostris misériis.
(O María.)
creávit Pater ingénitus,
te Unigénitus,
te Sanctus Spíritus:
honor ex corde pénitus.
(O María.) Amen.
Hail, Mother of mercy, Mother of hope, Mother of
pardon, Mother of God, Mother of grace, Mother filled with holy joy, O Mary. Abounding
with the virtues in the valley of the lilies, overflowing with the highest
delights, Holy Mother, with your prayers, condescend to hear our misery. (O
Mary) The unbegotten Father created you, the Only-begotten overshadowed you,
the Holy Spirit made you fruitful: honor from the inner heart to the Trinity.
(O Mary)
At Lauds: 12th
– 13th Centuries
virgo régia,
regis et fília,
Dei sapiéntia
ante sæcula.
Puélla carens mácula,
domus ebúrnea,
dedicávit cælitus
ab eo Spíritus.
boni spéculum,
veri lúminis,
divíni séminis,
domo summi príncipis
áffluis delíciis;
Iesse florígera,
Dei grátia.
margaríta cándida
stella mundi spléndida,
puris esse móribus
vera templa Spíritus.
Trinitáti glória,
Virgo nobilíssima,
te suórum múnerum
dat magníficum. Amen.
Mary, royal Virgin, spouse and daughter of the
King, the wisdom of God chose you before the ages. A young girl without spot.
the ivory house of God, the Holy Spirit sent from above set you apart. Sign of
love, Mirror of every good, dawn of the true Light, Ark of the divine seed. In
the house of the highest Ruler you overflow with delights, the flourishing rod
of Jesse, you are filled with the grace of God. O shining Pear, radiant Star of
the world, grant that by living purely we may become temples of the Spirit. To
the Trinity glory, O Virgin most noble, who gave you such a great treasury of
gifts. Amen
from the Common of the BVM
maris stella,
mater alma,
semper virgo,
cæli porta.
illud «Ave»
nos in pace,
Evæ nomen.
vincla reis,
lumen cæcis,
nostra pelle,
cuncta posce.
te esse matrem,
per te precem
pro nobis natus
esse tuus.
omnes mitis,
culpis solútos
fac et castos.
præsta puram,
para tutum,
vidéntes Iesum
laus Deo Patri,
Christo decus,
tribus unus. Amen.
Hail, Star of the Sea, loving Mother of God and
ever virgin, fair gate of heaven. You who received the “Ave’ from the mouth of
Gabriel, establish us in peace, reversing the name of “Eva”. Break the chains
of sin, give light to the blind, drive away our evil, ask for us all that is
good. Show yourself a mother, may he who was born for us and humbled himself to
be your Son, receive our prayer through you.
Virgin alone, meek beyond all others, cause our sins to be absolved,
make us meek and chaste. Make our life unsullied, our journey safe, that we may
see Jesus and with you praise him forever. Amen.