Saturday, January 30, 2021

Inviolata, integra, et casta es Maria


Author unknown, not later than the 15th Century, sung by the Dominicans before the Vesper hymn on the Purification; also used by the Dominicans at Compline (Byrne).Inviolata, integra, et casta es Maria,

quae es effecta fulgida caeli porta.

O Mater alma Christi carissima,

suscipe pia laudum praeconia.

Te nunc flagitant devota corda et ora,

nostra ut pura pectora sint et corpora.

Tu per precata dulcisona,

nobis concedas veniam per saecula.

O benigna! O Regina! O Maria,

quae sola inviolata permansisti.


Inviolate, whole, and chaste art Thou, Mary,

who art become the gleaming gate of heaven.

O dearest nurturing Mother of Christ,

accept our pious prayers of praise.


That our hearts and bodies might be pure

our devout hearts and mouths now entreat.

By Your sweet-sounding prayers,

grant us forgiveness forever.


O blessed, O Queen, O Mary,

You alone have remained inviolate.



The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary



Office of Readings

Legis sacrátæ sanctis cæremóniis

subiéctus omnis cálamo Mosáico

dignátur esse, qui regit perfúlgidos

in arce Patris órdines angélicos,

cælúmque, terram fundávit ac mária.

Mater beáta carnis sub velámine

Deum ferébat úmeris castíssimis,

dúlcia strictis óscula sub lábiis

Deíque vero hominísque imprésserat

ori, iubénte quo sunt cuncta cóndita.

Hic lumen ardens géntium in óculis,

glória plebis Israélis gérminis;

pósitus hic est in ruínam scándali

et in salútem populórum ómnium,

donec secréta reveléntur córdium.

Glória Patri per imménsa sæcula,

sit tibi, Nate, decus et impérium,

honor, potéstas Sanctóque Spirítui:

sit Trinitáti salus indivídua

for infiníta sæculórum sæcula. Amen.

He who rules the brightly shining order of angels in the arc of the Father, and who created heaven, the earth and the sea, humbled himself completely to the rod of the mosaic law in in holy ceremonies.  The blessed Mother bore in her most chaste arms God under the veil of flesh, with closed lips she presses sweet kisses on the mouth of the true God and man. This is the burning light shining upon the Gentiles, the glory of the people of the seed of Israel. This was for the ruin of scandal and for the salvation of all peoples, until the secrets of hearts are revealed. Glory be to the Father through endless ages, to you, O Son, glory and empire, honor, power, also to the Holy Spirit; undivided salutation to the Trinity, through endless ages. Amen.

Office of Readings: 13-14th Century:

Another Hymn for Office of Readings

Salve, mater misericórdiæ,

mater spei et mater véniæ,

mater Dei et mater grátiæ,

mater plena sanctæ lætítiæ.

  (O María.)

Vallis vernans virtútum líliis,

tota fluens summis delíciis,

mater sancta, tuis suffrágiis

condescénde nostris misériis.

  (O María.)

Te creávit Pater ingénitus,

obumbrávit te Unigénitus,

fecundávit te Sanctus Spíritus:

ipsis honor ex corde pénitus.

  (O María.) Amen.

Hail, Mother of mercy, Mother of hope, Mother of pardon, Mother of God, Mother of grace, Mother filled with holy joy, O Mary. Abounding with the virtues in the valley of the lilies, overflowing with the highest delights, Holy Mother, with your prayers, condescend to hear our misery. (O Mary) The unbegotten Father created you, the Only-begotten overshadowed you, the Holy Spirit made you fruitful: honor from the inner heart to the Trinity. (O Mary)

At Lauds: 12th – 13th Centuries

María, virgo régia,

sponsa regis et fília,

te Dei sapiéntia

elégit ante sæcula.

Puélla carens mácula,

Dei domus ebúrnea,

te dedicávit cælitus

missus ab eo Spíritus.

Caritátis signáculum,

totíus boni spéculum,

auróra veri lúminis,

arca divíni séminis,

In domo summi príncipis

tu áffluis delíciis;

virga Iesse florígera,

repléris Dei grátia.

O margaríta cándida

et stella mundi spléndida,

fac puris esse móribus

nos vera templa Spíritus.

Sit Trinitáti glória,

o Virgo nobilíssima,

quæ te suórum múnerum

thesáurum dat magníficum. Amen.

Mary, royal Virgin, spouse and daughter of the King, the wisdom of God chose you before the ages. A young girl without spot. the ivory house of God, the Holy Spirit sent from above set you apart. Sign of love, Mirror of every good, dawn of the true Light, Ark of the divine seed. In the house of the highest Ruler you overflow with delights, the flourishing rod of Jesse, you are filled with the grace of God. O shining Pear, radiant Star of the world, grant that by living purely we may become temples of the Spirit. To the Trinity glory, O Virgin most noble, who gave you such a great treasury of gifts. Amen

Vespers: from the Common of the BVM

Ave, maris stella,

Dei mater alma,

atque semper virgo,

felix cæli porta.

Sumens illud «Ave»

Gabriélis ore,

funda nos in pace,

mutans Evæ nomen.

Solve vincla reis,

profer lumen cæcis,

mala nostra pelle,

bona cuncta posce.

Monstra te esse matrem,

sumat per te precem

qui pro nobis natus

tulit esse tuus.

Virgo singuláris,

inter omnes mitis,

nos culpis solútos

mites fac et castos.

Vitam præsta puram,

iter para tutum,

ut vidéntes Iesum

semper collætémur.

Sit laus Deo Patri,

summo Christo decus,

Spirítui Sancto

honor, tribus unus. Amen.

Hail, Star of the Sea, loving Mother of God and ever virgin, fair gate of heaven. You who received the “Ave’ from the mouth of Gabriel, establish us in peace, reversing the name of “Eva”. Break the chains of sin, give light to the blind, drive away our evil, ask for us all that is good. Show yourself a mother, may he who was born for us and humbled himself to be your Son, receive our prayer through you.  Virgin alone, meek beyond all others, cause our sins to be absolved, make us meek and chaste. Make our life unsullied, our journey safe, that we may see Jesus and with you praise him forever. Amen.


Office of Readings


Legis sacrátæ sanctis cæremóniis

subiéctus omnis cálamo Mosáico

dignátur esse, qui regit perfúlgidos

in arce Patris órdines angélicos,

cælúmque, terram fundávit ac mária.


Mater beáta carnis sub velámine

Deum ferébat úmeris castíssimis,

dúlcia strictis óscula sub lábiis

Deíque vero hominísque imprésserat

ori, iubénte quo sunt cuncta cóndita.


Hic lumen ardens géntium in óculis,

glória plebis Israélis gérminis;

pósitus hic est in ruínam scándali

et in salútem populórum ómnium,

donec secréta reveléntur córdium.


Glória Patri per imménsa sæcula,

sit tibi, Nate, decus et impérium,

honor, potéstas Sanctóque Spirítui:

sit Trinitáti salus indivídua

for infiníta sæculórum sæcula. Amen.



He who rules the brightly shining order of angels in the arc of the Father, and who created heaven, the earth and the sea, humbled himself completely to the rod of the mosaic law in in holy ceremonies.  The blessed Mother bore in her most chaste arms God under the veil of flesh, with closed lips she presses sweet kisses on the mouth of the true God and man. This is the burning light shining upon the Gentiles, the glory of the people of the seed of Israel. This was for the ruin of scandal and for the salvation of all peoples, until the secrets of hearts are revealed. Glory be to the Father through endless ages, to you, O Son, glory and empire, honor, power, also to the Holy Spirit; undivided salutation to the Trinity, through endless ages. Amen.



Office of Readings: 13-14th Century:


Another Hymn for Office of Readings


Salve, mater misericórdiæ,

mater spei et mater véniæ,

mater Dei et mater grátiæ,

mater plena sanctæ lætítiæ.

  (O María.)


Vallis vernans virtútum líliis,

tota fluens summis delíciis,

mater sancta, tuis suffrágiis

condescénde nostris misériis.

  (O María.)


Te creávit Pater ingénitus,

obumbrávit te Unigénitus,

fecundávit te Sanctus Spíritus:

ipsis honor ex corde pénitus.

  (O María.) Amen.


Hail, Mother of mercy, Mother of hope, Mother of pardon, Mother of God, Mother of grace, Mother filled with holy joy, O Mary. Abounding with the virtues in the valley of the lilies, overflowing with the highest delights, Holy Mother, with your prayers, condescend to hear our misery. (O Mary) The unbegotten Father created you, the Only-begotten overshadowed you, the Holy Spirit made you fruitful: honor from the inner heart to the Trinity. (O Mary)



At Lauds: 12th – 13th Centuries


María, virgo régia,

sponsa regis et fília,

te Dei sapiéntia

elégit ante sæcula.


Puélla carens mácula,

Dei domus ebúrnea,

te dedicávit cælitus

missus ab eo Spíritus.


Caritátis signáculum,

totíus boni spéculum,

auróra veri lúminis,

arca divíni séminis,


In domo summi príncipis

tu áffluis delíciis;

virga Iesse florígera,

repléris Dei grátia.


O margaríta cándida

et stella mundi spléndida,

fac puris esse móribus

nos vera templa Spíritus.


Sit Trinitáti glória,

o Virgo nobilíssima,

quæ te suórum múnerum

thesáurum dat magníficum. Amen.


Mary, royal Virgin, spouse and daughter of the King, the wisdom of God chose you before the ages. A young girl without spot. the ivory house of God, the Holy Spirit sent from above set you apart. Sign of love, Mirror of every good, dawn of the true Light, Ark of the divine seed. In the house of the highest Ruler you overflow with delights, the flourishing rod of Jesse, you are filled with the grace of God. O shining Pear, radiant Star of the world, grant that by living purely we may become temples of the Spirit. To the Trinity glory, O Virgin most noble, who gave you such a great treasury of gifts. Amen


Vespers: from the Common of the BVM


Ave, maris stella,

Dei mater alma,

atque semper virgo,

felix cæli porta.


Sumens illud «Ave»

Gabriélis ore,

funda nos in pace,

mutans Evæ nomen.


Solve vincla reis,

profer lumen cæcis,

mala nostra pelle,

bona cuncta posce.


Monstra te esse matrem,

sumat per te precem

qui pro nobis natus

tulit esse tuus.


Virgo singuláris,

inter omnes mitis,

nos culpis solútos

mites fac et castos.


Vitam præsta puram,

iter para tutum,

ut vidéntes Iesum

semper collætémur.


Sit laus Deo Patri,

summo Christo decus,

Spirítui Sancto

honor, tribus unus. Amen.


Hail, Star of the Sea, loving Mother of God and ever virgin, fair gate of heaven. You who received the “Ave’ from the mouth of Gabriel, establish us in peace, reversing the name of “Eva”. Break the chains of sin, give light to the blind, drive away our evil, ask for us all that is good. Show yourself a mother, may he who was born for us and humbled himself to be your Son, receive our prayer through you.  Virgin alone, meek beyond all others, cause our sins to be absolved, make us meek and chaste. Make our life unsullied, our journey safe, that we may see Jesus and with you praise him forever. Amen.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Sunday: Weeks II & IV



Vespers I: Mozarabic?


Walsh & Husch: God’s incessant activity in keeping in being the wonders of creation is to be the spur to us to be similarly active in pursuit of the virtues, and thus to win our reward at the judgement.

Rerum, Deus, fons ómnium,

qui, rebus actis ómnibus,

totíus orbis ámbitum

censu replésti múnerum,


Ac, mole tanta cóndita, (1)

tandem quiétem díceris

sumpsísse, dans labóribus

ut nos levémur grátius:


Concéde nunc mortálibus

deflére vitæ crímina, (2)

instáre iam virtútibus

et munerári prósperis,


Ut cum treméndi iúdicis

horror suprémus cœperit,

lætémur omnes ínvicem

pacis repléti múnere.


1.       This verse replaces the original (from Walpole):


non actibus fessus manens,

laboribus non saucius,

cunctis quietem das, aegris

curis ruant ne morbidi

O God, the source of all, who, when all things had been created, you filled completely the whole circle of the world with the wealth of your gifts. And, when such an enormous mass had been created, at last you decreed a time of rest be taken, granted to laborers graciously that we be raised up. Grant now to mortal men that they weep for the sins of life, strive for the virtues, and be rewarded with prosperity. That when the final fear of the terrible judge shall begin, each of us will rejoice to be filled with the gift of peace. 

Walsh & Husch:

Yours deeds leave you unwearied still,

Your toils have not disabled you,

And you grant rest to all, lest they

Be stricken with enfeebling cares.


In my opinion the original is much better than the new.


2.      deflere vitae crimina replaces laboribus non saucius.

 O God, the source of all, who, when all things had been created,  filled completely the whole circle of the world with the wealth of your gifts. And, when such an enormous mass had been created, at last you decreed a time of rest be taken, granted to laborers graciously that we be raised up. Grant now to mortal men that they weep for the sins of life, strive for the virtues, and be rewarded with prosperity. That when the final fear of the terrible judge shall begin, each of us will rejoice to be filled with the gift of peace.


Office of Readings: nocturne

Sunday: 5th Century

Walsh & Husch: [In the Liturgy of the Hours] stanzas 1-6 and 13 are sung . . . The hymn celebrates the importance of the midnight hour in the history of Israel (stanzas 3-5) linked with the need for vigilance by the new Israel (6-10), and in the liberation of Paul and Silas (11) linked with our need to be liberated from the prison of sin (12).

Médiæ noctis tempus est

prophética vox ádmonet (1)

dicámus laudes ut Deo

Patri semper ac Fílio,


Sancto quoque Spirítui:

perfécta enim Trínitas 

uniúsque substántiæ (2)

laudánda nobis semper est.


Terrórem tempus hoc habet, (3)

quo, cum vastátor ángelus

Ægýpto mortem íntulit,

delévit primogénita. (4)


Hæc iustis hora salus est,

quos tunc ibídem ángelus

ausus puníre non erat,

signum formídans sánguinis. (5)


Ægýptus flebat fórtiter

tantórum diro fúnere;

solus gaudébat Israel

agni protéctus sánguine.


Nos verus Israel sumus:

lætámur in te, Dómine,

hostem spernéntes et malum,

Christi defénsi sánguine.


Dignos nos fac, rex óptime,

futúri regni glória,

ut mereámur láudibus

ætérnis te concínere. Amen.


1.       W: ' The voice of the prophet ' is that of the Psalmist; the reference is to Ps. cxviii (cxix): media nocte surgebam ad confitendum tibi super iudicia iustificationis tuae.

2.      W&H: Augustine De Trinitate 1:4: “all catholic interpreters before us who have written about the Trinity had this purpose, to teach in accordance with the Scriptures that Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute a divine unity of one and the same substance.”

3.      Terrórem tempus hoc habet: see Exodus 12;

4.      delévit primogénita: Exodus 12:29: in noctis medio percussit Dominus omne primogenitum in terra Aegypti.

5.      signum formídans sánguinis: Exodus 12:13: erit autem sanguis vobis in signum  . . .videbo sanguinem ac transibo vos.


The midnight hour is here, the prophet’s voice warns that we ever sing praises to God the father and his Son. Also to the Holy Spirit: for the whole Trinity of one substance is always to be lauded by us. This time of night is fearful for us, when the destroying angel brought death to Egypt and destroyed the firstborn. For the just this is the hour of salvation, whom the angel did not dare punish fearing the sign of blood.  Egypt deeply wept over the harsh death of so many; Israel alone was glad, protected by the blood of the lamb. We are the true Israel: we rejoice in you, O Lord, spurning the evil host and defended by the blood of Christ. Make us, O great King, meet of the glory of kingdom to come that we may worthily sing your eternal praises. Amen.


Office of readings: Adam of St. Victor (died 1146)

Salve dies, diérum glória,

dies felix Christi victória,

dies digna iugi lætítia,

dies prima.


Lux divína cæcis irrádiat,

in qua Christus inférnum spóliat,

mortem vincit et reconcíliat

summis ima.


Sempitérni regis senténtia

sub peccáto conclúsit ómnia;

ut infírmis supérna grátia



Dei virtus et sapiéntia

temperávit iram cleméntia,

cum iam mundus in præcipítia

totus iret.


Resurréxit liber ab ínferis

restaurátor humáni géneris,

ovem suam repórtans úmeris

ad supérna.


Angelórum pax fit et hóminum,

plenitúdo succréscit órdinum,

triumphántem laus decet Dóminum,

laus ætérna.


Harmoníæ cæléstis pátriæ

vox concórdet matris Ecclésiæ,

«Allelúia» frequéntet hódie

plebs fidélis.


Triumpháto mortis império,

triumpháli fruámur gáudio;

in terra pax, et iubilátio

sit in cælis. Amen.

Day worthy of perpetual joy, the first day. The judgement of the eternal King closes all things under sin: That supernatural grace may aid the weak. May divine light shine on the blind, when Christ  despoils hell, conquers death, and reconciles The lowest with the highest. Hail day, the glory of days,

Day happy by the victory of Christ the strength and wisdom of God Tempered anger with mercy, When the whole world had come To the edge. Free he rose from the dead The Restorer of the human race. Carrying his lamb on his shoulders To heaven. Peace between angels and men is made, The fullness of the orders grows, Praise, eternal praise, is fitting to The triumphant Lord. The voice of Mother Church agrees With the harmony of the heavenly fatherland The faithful people repeat today “Alleluia”. Since the rule of death has been conquered, May we enjoy triumphant joy; May there be peace on earth And rejoicing in heaven. Amen.


Lauds: Alcuin? 8th to 9th Centuries

Walpole: The Matins hymn which replaces Aeterne rerum conditor  during the summer.

Ecce iam noctis tenuátur umbra,

lucis auróra rútilans corúscat; (1)

nísibus totis rogitémus omnes



Ut Deus, nostri miserátus, omnem

pellat angórem, tríbuat salútem,

donet et nobis pietáte patris

  regna polórum.


Præstet hoc nobis Déitas beáta

Patris ac Nati, paritérque Sancti

Spíritus, cuius résonat per omnem

  glória mundum. Amen.


1.       rutilans = ‘bushing’.   

Behold now the shadows of the night grow thin: the blushing dawn of light gleams; with great effort we all ask Almighty God: that he have mercy on us, drive away anxiety, grant salvation and by his fatherly love give us the kingdom of heaven. Grant this to us, O blessed Divinity, Father and Son and equally Holy Spirit, whose glory resounds throughout the world. Amen.


Vespers II: 7th to 8th Centuries

Sometimes attributed to St. Ambrose.

O lux, beáta Trínitas (1)

et principális Unitas, (2)

iam sol recédit ígneus:

infúnde lumen córdibus.


Te mane laudum cármine,

te deprecémur véspere;

te nostra supplex glória (3)

per cuncta laudet sæcula.


Christum rogámus et Patrem,

Christi Patrísque Spíritum;

unum potens per ómnia,

fove precántes, Trínitas. Amen.

O Light, O blessed Trinity and princely Unity, now that the fiery sun departs, pour light into our hearts. In the morning we sang a hymn of praise to you, at evening we pray to you; may our lowly glory you through all ages. We ask Christ and the Father and the Spirit of Christ and the Father favor us we pray, O Trinity. Amen.


(1)   Note the apostrophe: beata refers to Trínitas, not to lux.

(2)   Principalis: princely, royal, although Walpole and WH: it is possible in the sense of ‘primal’ or ‘fundamental’.

(3)   Supplex Gloria: ‘may our humble praise’ or ‘may our glory prostate before thee’.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

From the Horologium Sapientiae of Blessed Henry Suso: BVM on Saturday


Consider now, all you hearts, who love God with a pure mind. For something similar happens to us when the fruitful Virgin clothed with sun, the chosen Queen of heaven, enters like the sun into the confines of our hearts and the memory of her penetrates our minds more brightly than the sun penetrates a cloudless sky. Immediately every difficulty vanishes before the intensity of such a light. Darkness is put to flight, a new dawn arises, and innumerable reasons for rejoicing are provided. Therefore, to you, O our hope, the joy and happiness of our hearts, we wretched sinners break forth in a shout of greeting. We salute you most affectionately from the bottom of our hearts with sighs and tears and with sighs and tears and the devout genuflection of our hearts, O mother of grace. The children shout for joy at the sound of the pipes and every heart is gladdened by those happy shoes And so at the most sweet remembrance of you I am all on fire with fervor of divine love, desiring to praise you whom the world and its fullness, the heaven of heavens and every power within them praise.

Indeed, the goodness of every creature compared to your dignity is the weak glow of the moon compared to the immense brilliance of the sun. For the divine wisdom so excellently adorned you with grace and so abundantly clothed you with goodness that this incomprehensible wisdom reflected in you becomes more desirable to us through your splendor.

O precious treasury for us wretched ones! Behold, when through our sin we lost the supreme king, when we offended the angels, when we are burdensome to ourselves and know nothing at all about what we ought to do, then this recourse alone remains for us wretches. We should raise eyes of our heart and of our body to you, seeking counsel and begging, O exultation of my heart, singular hope and joy of my life, you know often with bitter soul, troubled heart, and tearful face I have raised my heart to you, most holy Virgin, when I have offended God and considered myself destined for hell, when I have been besieged on all sides by enemies. And with your help, blessed Virgin, I have escaped all dangers, Some rejoice over their innocence, others over the abundance of their merits, others may exult in the speedily-given mercy of God, You, my mother. are the hope and the only solace of my life! When I totally despair of God and of myself, by thinking of you, by remembering you, my spirit revives as of the deepest darkness. You are my glory, my salvation, my honor, and my life. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

From the minor theological works of Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest





Christ chose to have poor parents, who nevertheless were perfect in virtue, lest anyone should glory in nobility of birth or family wealth alone. He lived a poor life, to teach us to despise riches. He lived an ordinary life, without the trappings of dignity, to call us back from an inordinate desire for honors. He endured labor, hunger, thirst, and bodily beating, so that those intent on pleasure and extravagance might be recalled to the good by the struggles of this life.


Finally, he suffered death, lest anyone neglects truth because of the fear of death. Lest anyone dreads a contemptible death because of the truth, he chose the meanest kind of death, namely death on a cross. It was fitting that the Son of God, who had been made man, should suffer death, that by his example, he might encourage us to virtue. Thus, what Peter says is true:  Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we might follow in his footsteps.


For if he had lived as a rich man in the world, as a powerful man or surrounded by great dignity, it would be possible to believe that he had his teaching and miracles by the favor of human power. Therefore, it might be evident as a work of divine power, he chose everything that was base and weak in the world: a poor mother, a needy life, unlearned disciples and messengers, to be rebuked and condemned by the powerful of the world even to death, so that it would manifest the source of his  miracles and teaching was not human power, but divine.


Concerning this point we must consider that it was according to the same Providence by which the Son of God, having become man; to suffer weakness. He even chose his disciples, those ministers of salvation, and wished them to be abased in the world. He did not choose learned and noble men, but ignorant and lowly men, poor men, even fishermen. Sending them out to procure the salvation of the human race, he instructed them to preserve poverty, to suffer persecution and even to undergo death for the truth, lest their preaching seem designed for some earthly comfort, and that the salvation of the world be ascribed be ascribed not to earthly wisdom or strength, but only to divine. Therefore, divine power, working miraculous deeds, was not lacking in those who to the world, were of no account.


This was necessary for human restoration, that we might learn to put our trust not in ourselves proudly, but in God. This was necessary for the perfection of human righteousness, so that we might subject ourselves to God, from whom we hope to receive all good things that are to come and to recognize those that we have already received.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Hymns: St. Thomas Aquinas: Propers for the Order of Preachers





Office of Readings


1. O Thomas, shining splendor bright,

The ray of Mother Church's light;

We sing your merits, rich with grace,

As in your care our praise we place.


2. With simple heart and simple mind    

You spread abroad for all mankind,

The vision blest of God alone,

Beyond what was to others known.


3. You gazed on myst'ries, great and deep;

With logic sharp, their truth you reap: 

And then, this food to ages gave,

Their minds to fill, their souls to save.


5. Your mind was set to hear the voice

Of God's inspired Spirit's choice:

To write with shining words the praise

Of Christ and truth, for endless days.


6. In silence raptur'd, modest, pure,

God's sacred fellowship made sure

Your teaching, like the mid-day sun

O'er masters old its course to run.


7. We seek the goal the saints now see,

The Three in One and One in Three:

And grant that these new songs we sing

From age to age anew may ring. Amen.





1.       Unbroken splendor, Word of the Father,

All things you founded, all creation's blessings:

Glad hymns we raise now, to you our Creator,

Light's one true Master.


2.      Glittering brightly for your Spouse made radiant,

Feeding in safety from truth's holy banquet,

You gave us Thomas, golden star, most famous,

 Angelic doctor. 


3.      Pure in his living, chase in mind and body,

So he ascends through the grades of knowledge

Until at last, he merited to enter

Heaven's bright portals.


4.      Brightly yet shines this house of our companion,

Far beyond stars or moon in all his brightness,

Beyond earth's splendor gleams his life so holy,

Splendid example.


5.      Why do you marvel at these gifts most precious?

Here is a master, whom the world calls blessed;

We ask his favors for our growth in virtue,

Led by his teaching.


6.      To you, O Father, and to Love descending,

To you, Christ Jesus, may we sing hosannas

To endless ages, with our brother Thomas,

Where shines the true Sun. Amen.




1.       Thomas, our great teacher, praises most dutiful,

we offer gratefully; with wisdom heavenly,

disciples you endue; drawing from fountain pure

grace soul-saving, the most divine.


2.      The purest character truly they saw in you,

holiness, that seemed impossible,

by which you merited to see the Savior's face,

open, shining, and glorious.


3.      No prize of earthly wealth, nor rank terrestrial,

would hinder you to take the way to the Lord's cross; 

then in Jesus' steps, you walked with him alone,

and reached with him glory supreme.


4.      Of our poor human race, you are the ornament:

 The Church in you does find font of true instruction, 

Holding your chastity truly exemplary,

we learn Christ's way most perfectly.


5.      O blessed Trinity, to you all praises be,

For you blessed Saint Thomas with honors marvelous,

to his brothers give all graces sufficient

to join with him in divine peace. Amen.