Saturday, January 23, 2021



Ad Officium lectionis: saec XVIII


Pressi malórum póndere

te, Paule, adímus súpplices,

qui certa largus désuper

dabis salútis pígnora.


Nam tu beáto cóncitus

divíni amóris ímpetu,

quos insecútor óderas,

defénsor inde amplécteris.


Amóris, eia, prístini

ne sis, precámur, ímmemor,

et nos supérnæ lánguidos

in spem redúcas grátiæ.


Te deprecánte flóreat

ignára damni cáritas,

quam nulla turbent iúrgia

nec ullus error sáuciet.


O grata cælo víctima,

te, lux amórque Géntium,

o Paule, clarum víndicem,

nos te patrónum póscimus.


Laus Trinitáti, cántica

sint sempitérnæ glóriæ,

quæ nos boni certáminis

tecum corónet præmiis. Amen.


Pressed down by the weight of evil, O Paul, we come to you praying that you will give us from above sure pledges of our salvation. For you aroused by the blessed blow of divine love, first persecuted those whom you hated and then as their defender embraced them.  Ah, do not forget your first love, we pray, and lead us back in our weakness to the hope of heavenly grace. By your prayers may love, which knows not damnation, flourish, love which is disturbed by no murmuring and which no error can wound.  O victim pleasing to heaven, light and love of the Gentiles, O Paul, we pray to you, our glorious avenger and patron. A hymn of praise to the eternal glory of the Trinity, who crowns us with you, the reward for those who have fought the good fight. Amen.


Ad Laudes matutinis: saec. VIII-IX


Doctor egrégie, Paule, mores ínstrue

et mente polum nos transférre sátage,

donec perféctum largiátur plénius,

evacuáto quod ex parte gérimus.


Sit Trinitáti sempitérna glória,

honor, potéstas atque iubilátio,

in unitáte, cui manet impérium

ex tunc et modo per ætérna sæcula. Amen


Doctor without equal, Paul, instruct  our life and mind that we be set on the path to heaven;  grant that we may more fully  possess what has been perfected and what we now know only in part.  Glory be to the eternal Trinity, honor, power and praise in the Unity, whose authority abides now and for eternal ages. Amen.


Ad Vesperas: Petrus Damianus


Excélsam Pauli glóriam

concélebret Ecclésia,

quem mire sibi apóstolum

ex hoste fecit Dóminus.


Quibus succénsus æstibus

in Christi nomen sæviit,

exársit his impénsius

amórem Christi prædicans.


O magnum Pauli méritum!

Cælum conscéndit tértium,

audit verba mystérii

quæ nullus audet éloqui.


Dum verbi spargit sémina,

seges surgit ubérrima;

sic cæli replent hórreum

bonórum fruges óperum.


Micántis more lámpadis

perfúndit orbem rádiis;

fugat errórum ténebras,

ut sola regnet véritas.


Christo sit omnis glória,

cum Patre et almo Spíritu,

qui dedit vas tam fúlgidum

electiónis géntibus. Amen.


The Church celebrates the most high glory of Paul, an enemy, whom the Lord wondrously made an apostle. Burning with zeal he savagely raged against the name of Christ; aroused by a more intense fire he preached the love of Christ. O great merit of Paul! He ascended to the third heaven, he hears the words of the mystery, which he dares not tell anyone. While he scattered the seed of the word, a very rich harvest arouse; thus he filled the granaries of heaven with the fruit of good works. As a bright lamp he poured rays of light upon the world; he put to flight the darkness of error that the truth alone should reign. To Christ be all glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, who gave to the Gentiles such resplendent vessel of election. Amen.

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