Saturday, April 17, 2021

19th April: Blessed Isnard of Chiampo and Blessed Sybllina Biscossi


Blessed Isnard of Chiampo

Deus, qui sapiéntiae tuae luce ténebras ignorântiae repéllis, auge, méritis et précibus Beâti Isnârdi, virtütem fidei et presta, ut ignis grâtiae tuae quo illum nitére fecisti, nullis in nobis tentatiônibus exstinguâtur. Per Dôminum.

O God, who does repel the darkness of ignorance by the light of your wisdom, increase by the merits and prayers of blessed Isnard the strength of faith and grant that the fire of your grace, by which you made him shine, may never be quenched in us by temptations.


Blessed Sybllina Biscossi

Corda nostra quésumus, Dômine, divino illo Sancti Spiritus igne succénde, quo Beate Sibyllinae mentem mirabiliter recreâsti ut, eiüsdem supérno lümine suffûlti, Iesu Christi Crucifixi secréta hauriâmus et in tua semper dilectiéne crescâmus. Per Dôminum.

Enkindle our hearts, we beseech you, O Lord, with the divine fire of the Holy Spirit, by which you wondrously recreated the heart of blessed Sibyllina, that sustained by the same heavenly light, we may drink of the mysteries of the Jesus Christ crucified and may grow ever in your love.

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