Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Qua Christus hora sítiit

Qua Christus hora sítiit (1)(3)

crucem vel in qua súbiit,

quos præstat in hac psállere

ditet siti iustítiæ.

Simul sit his esúries,

quam ipse de se sátiet,

crimen sit ut fastídium (2)

virtúsque desidérium.

Charísma Sancti Spíritus

sic ínfluat psalléntibus,

ut carnis æstus frígeat

et mentis algor férveat.

Christum rogámus et Patrem,

Christi Patrísque Spíritum;

unum potens per ómnia,

fove precántes, Trínitas. Amen.

1. The first stanza points to the time when the hymn is sung: "The hour when Christ thirsted or submitted himself to the cross". Also, a reference to the thirst of the Cross.

2. fastidium = ‘a loathsome thing’ (Walpole) 

3.  Walpole says that the ‘thirst’ may refer to Joh. 4:6: erat autem ibi fons Iacob Iesus ergo fatigatus ex itinere sedebat sic super fontem hora erat quasi sexta or to Joh. 19.28: postea sciens Iesus quia iam omnia consummata sunt ut consummaretur scriptura dicit sitio. In any case the hymn prays that ‘he may enrich us with a thirst for righteousness”. 

The hour when Christ thirsted or submitted himself to the cross, when he grants those who sing this hour to be enriched with a thirst for righteousness.  At the same time may they hunger that Christ might fill them with himself that wearied by sin they may desire virtue.  May the gifts of the Holy Spirit so pour down upon those who praise you that the heat of flesh may grow cold and cold souls might become fervent.  We ask Christ and the Father and the Spirit of Christ and the Father, one power through all things, O Trinity, cherish those who pray to you. Amen.

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