Sunday, September 29, 2019

S. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, Virgin & Doctor (Monastic Diurnal LeBarroux)

The Liturgy of the Hours uses the Common of Virgins or of Doctors for this Memorial, but the Monastic Diurnal from LeBarroux provides these hymns.


Nomen decusque concinant
Teresiae almae virginis

Qui sancta divi Parvuli
Credunt amantque munera.

Carmeli summos vertices
Patrona Mater deligit:
Teresia illuc advolat,
Sponsi premens vestigial.

Afflata Jesu numine
Secreta pundit gratiae;
Magistra mundo simplices
Infantium docet vias.

Virtutis ipsa flosculos
Olent sacrata limina,
Quae casta virgo, ut angelus
Immissus e caelo, colit.

At jubilum non exprimit
Omnes amoris impetus;
Nec septa magnos claudere
Eius valent anhelitus.

Laus, honor, virtus, Gloria
Deo Patri et Filio,
Sancto simul Paraclito
In saeculorum saecula.

Let us sing the name and honor of Therese the loving virgin, who trusted and loved the holy gifts of the divine Child. Her patron Mother loved the lofty heights of Carmel: there Therese flew, following in the steps of here Spouse. Stirred by the Spirit of Jesus she revealed the secrets of grace; she revealed the secrets of grace; a doctor she taught the world the simple way of the child. The little flowers of her virtue perfumed the holy doors of where she lived, a chaste virgin, sent like a angel from heaven. But joy could not wholly express all the power of her love; nor could the cloister enclose such blazing love. Laud, honor, might, glory to God the Father and the Son, and to holy Paraclete, for ever and ever. Amen.


Immensa Christi caritas
Maiora cogit aggredi
Apostolorum et Martyrum
Actam corona viginum.

Optans amóris víctima
Ex igne adúri mlstico,
Sponsum precátur últimas
Flammas vorántes éxcitet.

Aeternitátis núntia
Optáta mors iam pérvenit:
Hac íngemens : Te díligo !
Terésia ad Christum émigrat.

Caeléstibus nunc gáudiis
Fruens, ab arce síderum,
Quas lárgiter promíseras,
Rosas meménto spárgere.

Tu corde Rex mitíssime,
Qui párvulis regnum paras,
Nos hanc secútos ingredi
Prasta beáta hmina.

Laus, honor, virtus, glória
Deo Patri et Filio,
Sancto simul Paráclito
In saculórum sécula. Amen.

The immense charity of Christ pressed this virgin adorned with a crown to climb to the height of the Apostles and martyrs. Desiring to be a victim of love, she was consumed by the mystical fire, she prays her groom to stir up the flames which devour her. The herald of eternity, the longed- for death now comes: She sighs ‘I love you!’ Therese is brought to Christ. You now tasting the celestial joys of heaven from the castle of the stars, remember to spread the abundant roses that you have promised.  And you, King of a most gentle heart, prepare a kingdom for the little ones, bring us who have followed this saint to a blessed entrance (into heaven).  Laud, honor, might, glory to God the Father and the Son, and holy Paraclete, for ever and ever. Amen.

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