Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Lenten Preces: From Wednesday, Vespers, Lent I to Saturday, Lauds, Lent II

Vespers: PRECES: Lent I: Wednesday

Deum omnipoténtem et providéntem exaltémus. Ipse scit ômnia, quibus indiget pôpulus suus, sed vult nos primum de regno suo sollicitos. Ideo acclamémus:
Advéniat regnum tuum et iustitia eius.
Pater sancte, qui Christum ut pastôrem animârum nostrârum dedisti, adésto pastôribus et pôpulis eôrum diligéntiae créditis, ne gregi desit cura pastôris, * neque pastôribus obœdiéntia gregis.
Induc christiânos, ut fratérna pietâte infirmis auxiliéntur, * et ipsi Filio tuo in iis subvéniant.
Fac ut nondum Evangélio credéntes Ecclésiam tuam ingrediântur, * eâmque bonis opéribus semper œdificent in caritâte.
Da nobis peccatôribus véniam a te impetrare, * et simul reconciliâri cum Ecclésia tua.
Prœsta, ut defüncti ad vitam trânseant œtérnam, * et semper tecum commoréntur.

Let us praise the omnipotent and providential God. He knows all that his people need, but He desires that we first seek his Kingdom. Wherefore, let us cry out:
May your Kingdom and its righteousness come.
Holy Father, who has given Christ, the Shepherd of our souls, to be present with our shepherds and the people entrusted to their care, that the shepherd's care of the flock not fail, * nor the flock's obedience to the shepherds.
Lead Christians to help the sick in fraternal love, * and to come to the help of your Son in the sick.
Grant that those who do not yet believe the Gospel may enter your Church, * and always build her up in charity by good works.
Grant to us sinners to obtain pardon from you, * and to be reconciled with your Church.
Grant that the departed may pass over to eternal life, * and abide with you always.

Preces: Thursday Lent I


Christum Dóminum nostrum laudántes, qui ut lux mundi appáruit, ne ambularémus in ténebris sed lumen vitae haberémus, ei supplicémus:
Verbum tuum sit Iucérna pédibus nostris.
Benigníssime Deus, concéde nobis hódie in tui imitatióne profícere, * ut, quod in primo cécidit Adam, dénuo in te erigátur.
Praebe verbum tuum Iucérnam pédibus nostris, * ut, veritátem faciéntes, caritáte in te crescámus per ómnia.
Doce nos ad ómnium bonum propter nomen tuum fidéliter ágere, * ut humána família magis per Ecclésiam illuminétur.
Fac nos per sincéram conversiónem amicitiam tuam magis magísque fovére, * et offénsas sapiéntiae atque bonitáti tuee illátas expiáre.

Praising Christ our Lord, who appeared as the Light of the world, that we might not walk in darkness but have the Light of life, let us entreat him: May Your Word be a lamp for our feet.
O most gracious God, grant that today we may advance in imitation of You, * so that, what fell in the first Adam may in You be raised up anew.
Present Your Word as a lamp for our feet, * that doing the truth with charity we may increase in You through all things.
Teach us to work faithfully for the good of all for the sake of Your Name, * that the human family may more and more be enlightened through Your Church.
Make us to foster Your friendship more and more through sincere conversion, * to expiate the offenses committed against Your wisdom and goodness.


A Christo Dómino, qui nobis dedit mandátum novum dilectiónis, flagitémus:
Caritátem plebis tuae, Dómine, adáuge.
Magister bone, doce nos in frátribus temetípsum diligere, * atque in iis benefácere tibi.
Qui in cruce pro carnifícibus tuis véniam a Patre impetrásti, * da nobis inimícos diligere et pro persequéntibus nos oráre.
Per mystérium córporis et sánguinis tui, amórem, virtútem et fidúciarn nostrarn adáuge; * débiles corróbora, rntEstos consoláre, spem agonizántibus infúnde.
Lux mundi, qui ca2co nato post ablutiónem lumen vidére tribuísti, * catechúmenos per lavácrum et verbo vitee illúmina.
Defúnctos sátia dilectióne tua ctérna, * nosque inter eléctos tuos connúmera.

Let us entreat Christ the Lord, Who gave us a new commandment of mutual love:
Increase the charity of Your people, O Lord.
Good Teacher, teach us to love You in our brethren, * and in them to do good to You.
You Who on the Cross sought pardon from the Father for Your executioners, * grant us to love our enemies and to pray for our persecutors.
Through the mystery of Your Body and Blood, increase our love, strength, and confidence, * strengthen the weak, console the sorrowful, fill the dying with hope.
O Light of the world, Who gave to the man born blind, after the washing, the light with which to see, * enlighten the catechumens through the bath of water and by the word of life.
Fill the dead with Your eternal love, * and number us among Your elect.

Preces:Lent I:Friday:Lauds

Grátias agámus Christo Dómino, qui in cruce móriens nobis vitam cóntulit, eúmque ex corde deprecémur: Per mortem tuam vivífica nos.
Magíster et Salvátor noster, qui fídei tuæ documénta nobis contulísti, nosque innovásti glória passiónis,
—fac ne veterascámus in áctibus pravitátis.
Præsta nobis, ut hódie cibórum saturitátem córpori nostro subtráhere sciámus,
—ut frátribus nostris indigéntibus succurrámus.
Da hunc sanctum quadragesimálem diem a te nos devóte suscípere,
—et per ópera misericórdiæ tibi consecráre.
Córrige mentes nostras rebélles,
—nosque magnánimos éffice.

Let us give thanks to Christ the Lord, who dying upon the cross, conferred life upon us and pray to him from our heart: Through your Death, grant us life.
Our Teacher and Savior, who gave us the witness of faith in you, and renewed us in the glory of the passion, do not let us grow old in disordered acts.
Grant that today we may know how to restrain our bodily appetite for food, that we may come to the aid of our brothers in need.
Grant that we may devoutly receive from you this  holy Lenten day, and to consecrate it to you through works of mercy.
Correct our rebellious wills and make us generous.

Preces: Lent I: Friday:Vespers

Dóminum Iesum, qui per próprium sánguinem pópulum sanctificávit, deprecémur:
Miserére, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Redémptor noster, per passiónem tuam tríbue fidélibus membra sua mortificáre, in certamínibus contra mala et advérsa sústine eos, spe róbora firmióre,
—quo expeditióres ad resurrectiónem tuam celebrándam occúrrant.
Fac ut christiáni, ob prophéticum munus, notítiam tui ubíque diffúndant,
—atque ardéntis fídei, spei et caritátis testimónio eam confírment.
Confórta virtúte tua omnes afflíctos,
—eísque consolándis fratérnas fac nos curas impéndere.
Doce fidéles passiónem tuam in ærúmnis suis participáre,
—ut salutáre tuum in seípsis maniféstent.
Auctor vitæ, meménto eórum, qui de hac vita transiérunt,
—eísque resurrectiónis glóriam largíre.

Let us pray to the Lord Jesus, who has sanctified his people in his own blood:
Have mercy on your people, O Lord.
Our Redeemer, grant that through your passion the faithful might mortify their bodies in the battle against evil and sustain them in adversity, firmly strengthen hop, by which hey may run more quickly to the celebration of your resurrection.
Grant that Christians through the prophetic vocation may spread abroad knowledge of you everywhere. And confirm it with the testimony of ardent faith, hope and love.
Comfort with your strength all the afflicted, and cause us to give our fraternal care to console them.
Teach the faithful  to share in your passion in their difficulties * that might manifest your salvation in themselves. 
Author of life, remember those who have passed from this life: grant to them the glory of the resurrection.


Christum Dóminum glorificémus, qui, ut nova creatúra hómines fíerent, lavácrum regeneratiónis instítuit eísque córporis et verbi sui mensam appósuit. Eum deprecémur, dicéntes: Rénova nos, Dómine, grátia tua.
Iesu, mitis et húmilis corde, índue nos víscera misericórdiæ, benignitátem et humilitátem concéde,
—ac patiéntiam cum ómnibus fac nos sectári.
Doce nos vere próximos esse míseris atque afflíctis,
—ut te bonum Samaritánum imitémur.
Beáta Virgo, mater tua, intercédat pro sacris virgínibus,
—ut consecratiónem, qua tibi sunt devótæ, in Ecclésia impénsius colant.
Donum tuæ misericórdiæ nobis largíre,
—ac peccáta et pœnas nobis dimítte.

Let us glorify Christ the Lord, who, that men might be made a new creation, instituted the washing of rebirth and arranged the table of his body and word. Let us pray to him: Renew us, O Lord, by your grace.
O Jesus, meek and lowly of heart, endue within us your mercy and grant kindness and humility, and make us to practice patience with all.
Teach us to be truly neighbors to the distressed and afflicted that we may imitate you, the Good Samaritan.
May the blessed Virgin, your Mother, intercede for holy virgins, that they may more deeply cultivate in the Church their consecration, by which they are devoted to you.
Increase upon us the gift of your mercy and forgive us our sins and punishments.

The Second Sunday of Lent: Preces

Vespers I

Magnificémus Deum, cui cura est de ómnibus. Eum invocémus, dicéntes: Da, Dómine, salútem redémptis.
Deus, dator múnerum et fons veritátis, reple donis tuis collégium episcopórum,
—et fidéles, iis concréditos, serva in Apostolórum doctrína.
Caritátem tuam infúnde ómnibus, qui de uno pane vitæ commúnicant,
—quo arctióre unitáte fruántur in córpore Fílii tui.
Véterem hóminem cum áctibus suis nos exspoliáre concéde,
—et Christum Fílium tuum novum indúere hóminem.
Concéde, ut omnes per pæniténtiam peccatórum suórum véniam obtíneant,
—et supérnæ fiant Christi tui satisfactiónis partícipes.
Fac ut in pace tua defúncti te sine fine laudent in cælo,
—ubi et nos te in ævum celebratúros sperámus.

Let us magnify God, who cares for all. May we call upon him saying:
Give salvation to the redeemed, O Lord.
O God, the giver of gifts and the source of truth, fill the college of bishops with your gifts,
and keep them faithful to the teaching of the Apostles, which has been entrusted to them.
Pour out your love upon all, who share in the one bread of life, by which they may share a
closer unity in the body of your Son.
Grant that we may take away the old man with his deeds and put on the new man, Christ, your Son.
Grant that through penance for their sins all may obtain pardon and partake of the heavenly satisfaction of your Christ.
Grant that those who have departed in your peace may praise you without end in heaven, where we also hope to celebrate you forever.


Deum glorificémus, cuius bonitátis infinítus est thesáurus, et per Iesum Christum, qui est semper vivens ad interpellándum pro nobis, eum deprecémur, dicéntes: Accénde in nobis ignem tui amóris.
Deus misericórdiæ, fac ut hódie abundémus in opéribus pietátis,
—atque omnes nostram experiántur humanitátem.
Qui in dilúvio Noe per arcam salvásti,
—salva catechúmenos in aqua baptísmatis.
Præsta nos non solo pane satiári,
—sed omni verbo, quod procédit de ore tuo.
Fac ut omnes dissensiónes componámus,
—ut pace et caritáte, te donánte, gaudeámus.

Let us glorify God, whose treasury of goodness is endless and through Jesus Christ, who ever lives to make intercession for us, let pray to him, saying: Enkindle in us the fire of our love.
O God of mercy, cause us to abound in works of love and that all may experience our humanity.
You who in the flood saved Noah through the ark, save the catechumens in the water of baptism.
Grant that we may not be filled with bread alone, but by every which proceeds from your mouth.
May we bring peace to all strife that by your gift we may rejoice in peace and charity.

Vespers II

Grátias Christo, cápiti et magístro nostro, semper agámus, qui venit ministráre et ómnibus benefácere. Ideo humíliter fidentérque ab eo petámus: Vísita, Dómine, famíliam tuam.
Adésto, Dómine, epíscopis et presbýteris Ecclésiæ tuæ, qui munus tuum cápitis et pastóris partícipant,
—ut per te ad Patrem omnes addúcant.
Angelus tuus iter agéntes comitétur,
—ut omnes ánimæ corporísque insídias devítent.
Doce nos homínibus ministráre,
—ut te imitémur, qui venísti ministráre, non ministrári.
Fac ut in omni humána communitáte frater adiuvétur a fratre,
—ut sint, te astánte, quasi cívitas firma.
Miséricors esto univérsis defúnctis,
—eósque in lumen vultus tui admítte.

Let us always give thanks to Christ, our Head and Teacher, who came to bless all and minister to all.
Therefore, we humbly and faithfully ask of him: Visit, your family, O Lord
Be present, O Lord, to the bishops and priests of your Church, those who share in your office of Head and Teacher, that through you they may lead all to the Father.
May your angel accompany those, who travel, that they might be delivered from the snares of soul and body.
Teach us to minister to men, that we might imitate you, who came to serve, not to be served.
Cause that in every human community, brother may be served by brother, that with your presence they might be like a strong city.
Be merciful to all the departed, and admit them into the light of your presence.

Preces: Lentenweek II

Monday: Lauds

Benedicámus Deo Patri, qui nobis largítur ut hoc quadragesimáli die sacrifícium laudis ei offerámus. Eum deprecémur, invocántes: Cæléstibus Dómine, nos ínstrue disciplínis.
Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, concéde nobis spíritum oratiónis et pæniténtiæ,
—ut caritáte tui et hóminum ardeámus.
Da nos tibi cooperári, ut ómnia instauréntur in Christo,
—atque iustítia et pax in terris abúndent.
Intimam totíus creatúræ natúram et prétium áperi nobis,
—ut, te celebrántes, eam in cármine laudis nobis consociémus.
Ignósce nobis, qui Christi tui præséntiam in paupéribus, míseris et moléstis ignorávimus,
—nec vériti sumus Fílium tuum in his frátribus nostris.

May we bless God the Father, who grants us to offer to him the sacrifice of praise on this Lenten day.
Calling let us pray to him: Teach us heavenly disciplines.
Almighty and merciful God, grant to us the spirit of prayer and penitence, that we may be ardent in love of you and of man.
Grant that we may work with you, that all things may be restored in Christ, and that justice and peace may abound on earth.
Open to us the innermost nature and value of creation, that we, celebrating you, may be united with the creation in a hymn of praise.
Pardon us who have not known the presence of Christ in the poor, the suffering and the distressed,
Nor turned to your Son in these our brothers.


Magnificétur Deus Pater, qui, ex ore Fílii sui, simul orántibus quodcúmque petíssent se datúrum promísit. Qua promissióne freti eum implorémus: Propítius esto, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Dómine, qui legem, in monte Sínai Móysi datam, per Christum tuum perfecísti,
—da ut omnes eam in córdibus inscríptam agnóscant et fœderis instar custódiant.
Sollicitúdinem de frátribus sibi commíssis, præpósitis tríbue,
—et subditórum corda ad illos induc adiuvándos.
Mentem et cor missionariórum tua virtúte corróbora,
—et plúrimos óperis sócios ubíque éxcita illis.
Grátiam tuam in púeris da cum annis aduléscere,
—et in iuvénibus amórem tuum cum probitáte morum profícere.
Meménto ómnium fratrum nostrórum, qui in te obdormiérunt,
—atque ætérnæ vitæ eos redde consórtes.

May God the Father be magnified, who promised through the mouth of his Son, that he would give to those who pray, whatever they should seek. Relying on this promise, let us implore him: Be gracious to your people, O Lord.
O Lord, who, through your Christ, perfected the law given to Moses on Mount Sinai, * grant that all may acknowledge this law inscribed in their hearts and keep it according to the covenant.
Give to our leaders solicitude for the brothers committed to their care, * and incline the hearts of their people to assist them.
By your might, strengthen the minds and hearts of missionaries, * and everywhere stir up many companions to work with them.
Grant that through the years your grace might grow in children * and perfect in the young your love to increase their integrity of life.
Remember all our brothers, who sleep in you, * and make them partakers of eternal life.

Tuesday: Lauds

Grátias Deo Patri, qui Unigénitum suum, Verbum carnem factum, nobis dedit, ut sit noster cibus et vita. Eum deprecémur: Verbum Christi hábitet abundánter in nobis.
Frequentióre verbi tui auditióne nos dúcere tempus hoc quadragesimále concéde,
—ut Christum, Pascha nostrum, in magna sollemnitáte religiósius honorémus.
Spíritus Sanctus tuus nos dóceat,
—ut ad verum et bonum sequéndum dúbios et errántes hortémur.
Præsta nobis, ut Christi tui áltius percipiámus mystérium,
—et vita nostra id clárius exprimámus.
Purífica et rénova Ecclésiam tuam his diébus salútis,
—ut magis ac magis testimónium tibi éadem reddat.

Thanks be to God the Father, who gave us His Only-begotten Son, the Word made flesh, to be our food and life. Let us ask Him: May the word of Christ dwell abundantly in us.
Grant that this Lenten season may lead us to more frequent listening to your Word, * that, on the great solemnity of Easter, we may more devoutly honor Christ, our Paschal sacrifice.
May your Holy Spirit teach us, * to encourage the doubtful and wayward to follow what is true and good.
Grant to us to understand more profoundly the mystery of your Christ, * and to express this more clearly in our life.
Purify and renew your Church in these days of salvation, * that more and more she may give witness to you.


Dóminum Iesum, qui exaltátus in cruce ómnia ad se traxit, magnificémus et mente pia exorémus: Trahe ad te univérsa, Dómine.
Dómine, lux, quæ e mystério crucis tuæ emánat, áttrahat omnes,
—ut te viam, veritátem et vitam agnóscant.
Da cunctis te sitiéntibus aquam vivam,
—ne sítiant in ætérnum.
Doctrinárum et ártium cultóres illúmina,
—ut hómines regno tuo effíciant aptióres.
Move omnes, qui ob peccáta et scándala a te discessérunt,
—ut rédeant ad te et in dilectióne tua permáneant.
Omnes defúnctos nostros in cæléstes sedes admítte,
—ut cum beáta María Vírgine sanctísque ómnibus collæténtur.

Let us magnify he Lord Jesus, who, lifted up on the cross, has drawn all things to himself, and pray with a devout mind: Draw all things to Yourself O Lord.
O Lord, may the light, which shines forth from the mystery of your Cross, attract all, * that they may know you as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Grant yourself to all who thirst for living water, * that they not thirst forever.
Enlighten those who cultivate knowledge and the arts, * that men may be made more fit for your Kingdom.
Move all, who because of sin and scandal have departed from you, * to return to you and to abide in your love.
Admit all our departed into your heavenly dwelling, * that they may rejoice together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints.

Wednesday: Lauds

Grátias agámus Deo Patri, qui per infusiónem et operatiónem Spíritus Sancti corda nostra puríficat et in caritáte confírmat. Ei súpplici prece dicámus: Da nobis, Dómine, Spíritum Sanctum tuum.
Præsta nobis, ut bona de manu tua semper grati suscipiámus,
—et mala quoque cum patiéntia accipiámus.
Concéde nobis non in magnis tantum rebus caritátem sectári,
—sed étiam in sólitis vitæ adiúnctis prótenus exercére.
Tríbue nobis a supérfluis abstinére,
—ut frátribus indigéntibus opem ferre valeámus.
Da nobis mortificatiónem Fílii tui in córpore nostro circumférre,
—qui nos vivificásti in córpore eius.

Let us give thanks to God the Father, who through the infusion and operation of the Holy Spirit purifies and strengthens our hearts. Let us humbly pray to him: Give us, O Lord, your Holy Spirit.
Grant that we may always gratefully receive from your hand good things * and may accept with patience misfortunes.
Grant that we be filled by every word, * which proceeds from your mouth.
Grant us not to pursue charity only in great matters, * but to exercise it also in the ordinary details of life.
Grant us to abstain from what is unnecessary, *that we might bring help our needy brethren.
Grant us to carry in our body the death of your Son, * who have given us life in his body.


Glória et honor Deo, qui fœdus novum et ætérnum cum pópulo suo pépigit in sánguine Christi, et rénovat in sacraménto altáris. Sic eum rogémus: Bénedic, Dómine, pópulum tuum.
Dírige, Dómine, in voluntáte tua mentes populórum atque regéntium,
—ut sincére ad commúne ómnium bonum annitántur.
Auge devotiónem eórum, qui, relíctis ómnibus, secúti sunt Christum,
—ut præclárum homínibus sanctitátis Ecclésiæ testimónium præbeant et exémplum.
Qui cunctos hómines ad imáginem tuam fecísti,
—fac ut ab iniústa inæqualitáte abhórreant.
Omnes errántes ad tuam reduc amicítiam et veritátem,
—et doce nos illis adiuméntum impéndere.
Da defúnctis in tuam glóriam introíre,
—teque in ætérnum collaudáre.

Glory and honor be to God, who has given the new and eternal covenant with his people in the Blood of Christ, and renews it in the sacrament of the altar. Then, let us ask him: Bless Your people, O Lord.
Direct, O Lord, in accordance with your will the minds of peoples and rulers, * that they may sincerely strive for the common good of all.
Increase the devotion of those who have left all things behind and followed Christ, * that they may exhibit to all a most clear witness and example of the Church's holiness.
You who made all men in your image, grant that they may abhor unjust inequality.
Lead back to your friendship and truth all who gone astray, * and teach us to come to their aid
Grant that the departed may enter into your glory, * and praise you forever.

Thursday: Lauds

Pietátem Dei celebrémus, qui in Christo sese revelávit. Ex corde ei supplicémus: Meménto nostri, Dómine, quia fílii tui sumus.
Da nos mystérium Ecclésiæ áltius percípere,
—ut éadem sit nobis et ómnibus efficácius salútis sacraméntum.
Fac nos, hóminis amátor, humánæ civitátis increménta fovére,
—atque in ómnibus regnum tuum inténdere.
Præsta nobis, ut ad Christum sitiéntes currámus,
—qui fontem aquæ vivæ nobis se præbuit.
Dimítte nobis iniquitátes nostras,
—et gressus nostros dírige in viam iustítiæ et sinceritátis.

Let us celebrate the loving kindness of God, who has revealed himself in Christ. From our hearts, let us entreat Him: Be mindful of us, O Lord, for we are Your sons.
Grant us to perceive more profoundly the mystery of the Church, * that she may be for us and for all a more powerful sacrament of salvation.
Make us, O lover of mankind, to cherish the building up of the city of man, * and to see your Kingdom in all things.
Grant that we thirsting, may run toward Christ, * Who has revealed himself to us as the font of living water.
Forgive us our iniquities, * and guide our steps in the way of justice and sincerity.


Dei misericórdiam celebrémus, qui nos illúminat grátia Spíritus Sancti, ut opéribus iustítiæ ac fídei luceámus. Orémus, dicéntes: Vivífica, Dómine, pópulum a Christo redémptum.
Dómine, fons et auctor omnis sanctitátis, epíscopos, presbýteros et diáconos árctius per mystérium eucharísticum Christo coniúnge,
—ut grátiam, per impositiónem mánuum accéptam, magis in dies resúscitent.
Doce fidéles tuos digne et actuóse mensam verbi et córporis Christi frequentáre,
—ut, quod fide et sacraménto percepérunt, vita et móribus téneant.
Dignitátem cuiúsque hóminis, Fílii tui sánguine redémpti, te donánte, agnoscámus,
—ut libertátem et consciéntiam fratrum nostrórum observémus.
Da, ut hómines immódicam terréstrium bonórum cupídinem moderéntur,
—et aliórum inópiæ cónsulant.
Miserére ómnium, quos de hac vita ad te hódie vocásti,
—eísque donum beatitúdinis ætérnæ concéde.

Let us celebrate the mercy of God, who enlightens us by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that we may shine forth in works of justice and faith. Let us pray, saying: Enliven, O Lord, the people redeemed by Christ.
O Lord, source and author of all holiness, through the eucharistic mystery join bishops, priests, and deacons more closely to Christ * that they may rekindle more, day by day, the grace they received through the laying on of hands.
Teach your faithful to approach more worthily and devotedly the table of the word and of body of Christ, * that, what they have received in faith and sacrament, they may preserve in life and habits.
With your help, grant that we may recognize the dignity of every man, redeemed by the blood of your Son, * that we may respect the liberty and conscience of our brethren.
Grant that men might temper their immoderate desire for earthly goods, * and consider the needs of others.
Have mercy on all the faithful, whom you have called today to yourself from this life, * and grant them the gift of eternal blessing.

Friday: Lauds

Christum salvatórem, qui per mortem et resurrectiónem suam nos redémit, implorémus: Dómine, miserére nostri.
Qui Ierúsalem ascendísti ad passiónem subeúndam, ut intráres in glóriam,
—perduc Ecclésiam tuam in Pascha æternitátis.
Qui, in cruce exaltátus, láncea mílitis transfígi voluísti,
—sana vúlnera nostra.
Qui crucem tuam árborem vitæ constituísti,
—fructus eiúsdem baptísmate renátis largíre.
Qui, in ligno pendens, latróni pæniténti pepercísti,
—nobis peccatoribus ignósce.

Let us implore Christ the savior, who through his death and resurrection redeemed us: O Lord, have mercy.
You, who went up to Jerusalem to undergo the passion, that you might enter into your glory, let your Church into the Pascha of eternity.
You, who, lifted upon the cross, did will to be pierced by the lance of a soldier, heal our wounds.
You, who constituted your cross as the tree of life, grant to those reborn in baptism the fruit of the same tree.
You, who hanging on the wood, pardoned the repentant thief, forgive us our sins.


Salvatórem humáni géneris adorémus, qui mortem nostram moriéndo destrúxit et vitam resurgéndo reparávit. Humíliter postulémus: Sanctífica pópulum, quem sánguine tuo redemísti.
Redémptor noster, da nos passióni tuæ per pæniténtiam plénius adhærére,
—ut resurrectiónis glóriam consequámur.
Præsta, ut Matris tuæ, solatrícis afflictórum, protectiónem assequámur,
—mærentésque confortémur ea consolatióne, qua et ipsi a te recreámur.
Fidélibus concéde passiónis tuæ in ærúmnis suis esse partícipes,
—ut salutáre tuum in seípsis maniféstent.
Qui humiliásti teípsum, factus obœdiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis,
—da servis tuis obœdiéntiam et patiéntiam.
Córpori claritátis tuæ defúnctos configuráre dignéris,
—nosque aliquándo eórum redde consórtes.

Let us worship the Savior of the human race, who by his dying destroyed our death and by rising restored life. We humbly pray: Sanctify the people, whom you redeemed by your blood.
Our Redeemer, grant that we may cleave more fully to your passion through penance, that we may attain to the glory of the resurrection.
Grant that we may obtain the protection of your Mother, the solace of the afflicted, and that we may comfort the afflicted with the same consolation, by which we ourselves are retored by you.
Grant that in our own trials we may share in your passion, that your salvation may be manifest in us.
You, who humbled yourself, having been made obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, grant to your servants, obedience and patience.
Vouchsafe to transform the bodies of the departed to be like your own body, and make us at last to partakers with them.

Saturday: Lauds

Semper et ubíque grátias Christo agámus, qui salvat nos, eíque fidénter supplicémus: Súbveni nobis, Dómine, grátia tua.
Tríbue nos córpora nostra incontamináta serváre,
—ut possit Spíritus Sanctus illic habitáre.
Doce nos iam mane pro frátribus nosmetípsos impéndere,
—et tota die in ómnibus tuam implére voluntátem.
Da nobis quærere panem, qui permáneat in vitam ætérnam,
—quem tu præstas nobis.
Mater tua, refúgium peccatórum, pro nobis intercédat,
—ut peccátis nostris benígnus ignóscas.

May we always and everywhere give thanks to Christ, who saves us, and securely pray to him:
Come to our help, O Lord, by your grace.
Grant that our bodies remain undefiled so that the Holy Spirit may dwell within.
Teach us each morning to offer ourselves for the brethren and the entire day to fulfill your will.
Grant that we seek the bread which abides to eternal life, which you give to us.
May your Mother, Refuge of sinners, intercede for us that you would kindly forgive us our sins.

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